Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/12/2022 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois (Board Room Closed to Public - Meeting Virtual for Public)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Click to watch live, To comment on an item on this agenda, click here, Consent Agenda 5-12-2022.pdf, New Items 5-12-2022.pdf, New Items 5-12-2022 - Second Set.pdf, New Items 5-12-2022 - Third Set.pdf, New Items 5-12-2022 - Fourth Set.pdf, Second Consent Agenda 5-12-2022.pdf, Errata Board Agenda 5-12-2022.pdf, New Items 5-12-2022 - Fifth Set.pdf, Third Consent Agenda 5-12-2022.pdf, Fourth Consent Agenda 5-12-2022.pdf, Written Comments.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleMotionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-3246 1 Reappointment of Paula Worthington to IRFCReappointmentPROPOSED REAPPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Paula Worthington Position: Member Department/Board/Commission: Independent Revenue Forecasting Commission Effective date: 5/16/2022 Expiration date: 5/16/2025 Summary:approvePass Action details Not available
22-1675 1 Appointment of Herb Porter to HACCAppointmentPROPOSED APPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Herb Porter Position: Commissioner Department/Board/Commission: Housing Authority of Cook County Effective date: Immediate Expiration date: 5/12/2027referPass Action details Not available
22-3262 1 Appointment of Marcus Powell to Glenbrook Sanitary DistrictAppointmentPROPOSED APPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Marcus Powell Position: Glenbrook Sanitary District Department/Board/Commission: Trustee Effective date: Immediate Expiration date: 5/12/2025referPass Action details Not available
22-3288 1 Appointment of Dr. Harry Wilkins to Roseland Medical DistrictAppointmentPROPOSED APPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Dr. Harry E. Wilkins Position: Member Department/Board/Commission: Roseland Medical District Effective date: Immediate Expiration date: 5/12/2025referPass Action details Not available
22-3247 1 Reappointment of David Merriman to IRFCReappointmentPROPOSED REAPPOINTMENT Appointee(s): David F. Merriman Position: Member Department/Board/Commission: Independent Revenue Forecasting Commission Effective date: 5/16/2022 Expiration date: 5/16/2025 Summary:approvePass Action details Not available
22-3267 1  ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the Bureau of Finance, as well as the management oversight for the Comptroller, Budget, Revenue, Risk Management, Procurement, Liquor Commission and Contract Compliance Departments; and WHEREAS, in the case of a vacancy in the position of Chief Financial Officer, it is necessary to appoint an Acting or Interim Chief Financial Officer to perform the duties of the Chief Financial Officer and said Acting or Interim Chief Financial Officer shall have the full authority to otherwise execute the duties and responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer until the appointed candidate for Chief Financial Officer can be confirmed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the current Chief Financial Officer will vacate the position on June 10, 2022; and WHEREAS, it is imperative to the successful operation of County government that the duties of the Chief Financial Officer continue to be carried out in an efficient and transparent manner; andapprove  Action details Not available
22-2612 1  Amendment to a Previously Approved ItemPROPOSED PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEM AMENDMENT Department: Justice Advisory Council Request: Amendment to a Previously Approved Item for Technical Assistance with Changes to Policy, Practices, and Operations under the SAFE-T Act Item Number: 22-2558 Fiscal Impact: FY 2022 $240,295, FY 2023 $30,036 Account(s): 11900.1205.54065.520830 Original Text of Item: Original Item: The Justice Advisory Council seeks to establish a contract for technical assistance with changes to pre-trial policy, practices, and operations required under the SAFE-T Act. Significant cross-agency planning and collaboration are required to successfully implement these changes and the proposed contract includes, but is not limited to, services for facilitating meetings, strategy development support, and technical assistance coordination for planning and implementation. Amendment: Item #22-2612 seeks to amend item # 22-2558, approved April 7, 2022. The item was approved with a contract period of April 8, 2022 to December 31, 2023 and should be amended to reflect a contract period of AprapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2962 1  Contract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Justice Advisory Council Vendor: CGL Companies LLC, Sacramento, CA Request: Authorization for the Justice Advisory Council to extend and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Technical assistance to provide a comprehensive assessment of the Cook County criminal justice system’s reliance on and use of electronic monitoring. Original Contract Period: 10/15/2020 - 10/14/2021 Proposed Amendment Type: Extension and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Extension period 4/16/2022 - 4/15/2023 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $149,900.00 Original Approval (Board or Justice Advisory Council): $149,900.00 Increase Requested: $15,120.00 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Justice Advisory Council Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Justice Advisory Council Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Justice Advisory Council Extension(s): 10/15/2021 - 4/15/2022 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2022 $8,820.00, FY 2023 $6,300.00 Accounts: Fund/approvePass Action details Not available
22-3150 1 Denouncing Racial CovenantsResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION DECLARING RACIAL OR OTHER DISCRIMINATORY COVENANTS IN REAL ESTATE RECORDINGS AND DEEDS VOID UNDER THE COOK COUNTY HUMAN RIGHTS ORDINANCE WHEREAS, there was a time when racial covenants in real estate recordings were permitted and which had the effect of prohibiting such properties to be owned, leased, or otherwise prevented the conveyance of property rights to individuals based upon their race, color, religion or national origin; and WHEREAS, the State of Illinois, pursuant to Public Act 102-0110, has developed a streamlined process by which property owners may eliminate unlawful discriminatory covenants from property deeds effective January 1, 2022; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Human Rights Ordinance prohibits unlawful discrimination based upon perceived status, practice, or expression of that person’s race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, military discharge status, source of income, gender identity or housing status; or the actual or perceived association with suchreferPass Action details Not available
22-2905 1  ReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Finance - Office of the Chief Financial Officer Report Title: Taxpayer Interest Assurance Ordinance Report of Depository Accounts for the Fiscal Year 2021 Report Period: 12/1/2020 - 11/30/2021 Summary: This report is to comply with the requirements of the Taxpayers’ Interest Assurance Ordinance, under which the CFO compiles information from various departments relative to accounts with financial institutions and forward the same to the Board.receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-3234 1 Quarterly Report of the Long Term Revenue ForecastReportREPORT Department: Office of the Chief Financial Officer Report Title: Quarterly Report of the Long-Term Revenue Forecast Report Period: FY 2021 - 2025 Summary: The report provides an update between the Long-term Financial plan provided to the IRFC and posted on the County’s Website in January 2022, and the most up to date forecast. This report includes a variance analysis comparing the two forecasts and provides an explanation for the significant variances, along with additional supporting detail outlining progress made on the County’s Sales Tax Projections and a summary of the impact of the Revenue projections on our Long-term Expense Projections for both the General and Health Funds. We conclude with FY2022 project plans, an analysis of factors impacting revenue forecasting, and an update on recent regional and relevant economic activityreceive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2968 1 Board Resolution 22-0637 ARPA Budget Transfer ApprovalsReportREPORT Department: Department of Budget & Management Services Report Title: Board Resolution 22-0637 ARPA Budget Transfer Report - March 2022 Report Period: March 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022 Summary: Pursuant to Board Resolution 22-0637, the Department of Budget & Management Services (DBMS) may approve budgetary transfers required to implement the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) initiatives approved by the Board of Commissioners within the special purpose fund established for the County’s allocation of ARPA Funding. Attached, please find a report of all transfers made within the ARPA special purpose fund between March 1, 2022 and March 31, 2022. Please note, the report presents the information in three different formats: • Summary of Budget Transfers: reflects a summary of all transfers by fund and department, and the purpose of the transfer. • Transfers By Department: reflects all transfers by Department, delineating the accounts out of and into which such transfers were made. • Transfers By Fund: reflects all transfers by Fund, delineating the Departmentreceive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2990 1 Bills and Claims ReportReportREPORT Department: Comptroller Report Title: Bills and Claims Report Report Period: 3/15/2022 - 4/18/2022 Summary: This report is to be received and filed and comply with the Amendment Procurement Code Chapter 34-125, (l) The Comptroller shall provide to the Board of Commissioners a report of all payments made pursuant to contracts for supplies, materials, and equipment and for professional managerial services for Cook County, including the separately elected Officials, which involve an expenditure of $150,000.00 or more, within two (2) weeks of being made. Such reports shall include; 1. The name of the Vendor: 2. A brief description of the product or source provided: 3. The name of the Using Department and budgetary account from which the funds are being drawn; and 4. The contract number under which the payment is being madereceive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2972 1 IGA - Texas DIRIntergovernmental AgreementPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Department: Office of the Chief Procurement Officer Other Part(ies): State of Texas Department of Information Resource (DIR), Austin, Texas Request: Authorization to enter an Interstate Cooperation Contract (i.e., Intergovernmental Agreement) with the State of Texas Department of Information Resources Goods or Services: Ability to participate in DIR contracts for Information Technology related goods and services Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: Until terminated by either party upon 30 days advance written notice. Fiscal Impact: No direct fiscal impact. However, when the County seeks to participate in a Texas DIR contract there is an administrative fee that is included in the pricing or rates of their contracts. The administrative fee varies by contract and by Texas statute, the administrative fee must be a reasonable fee. Accounts: N/A Summary: The DIR has a Cooperative Contracts Purchasing Program which makes contracts for IT products and services procured through a competitive andapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3141 1  ReportPROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS Department: Office of Chief Procurement Officer Request: Transfer of Funds Reason: Staff Augmentation Contract, Legistar Item #22-2963 From Account(s): 11286.1030.60162.501010 To Account(s): 11286.1030.60162.520830 Total Amount of Transfer: $700,000.00 On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date? 4/27/2022, $0 How was the account used for the source of transferred funds identified? List any other accounts that were also considered (but not used) as the source of the transferred funds. Salary salvage in ARPA positions due to vacancies Identify any projects, purchases, programs, contracts, or other obligations that will be deferred, delayed, or canceled as a result of the reduction in available spending authority that will result in the account that funds are transferred from. None If the answer to the above quapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2961 1 System InnovatorsContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Revenue Vendor: System Innovators, a division of N. Harris Computer Corporation, Jacksonville, Florida Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Maintenance and support of iNovah cashiering system Original Contract Period: 7/1/2017 - 6/30/2022 with one (1) one-year renewal option Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $863,965.79 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board 7/17/2017, $779,065.79 Increase Requested: $97,000.00 ($33,500.00 in support for the Department of Revenue; $63,500.00 in support for the Sheriff’s Office) Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 11/4/2021, $84,900.00 Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer ExtensapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2609 1 Transfer of FundsTransfer of FundsPROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS Department: Cook County Health and Hospital Services Request: Transfer of Funds Reason: Agency Expense From Account(s): 41200.4890.14915.501010.00000.00000, $500,000, 41200.4890.17870.501010.00000.00000 $850,000, 41200.4890.19955.501010.00000.00000 $250,000, 41200.4890.17775.501010.00000.00000 $400,000, 41225.4897.10155.501010.00000.00000, $250,000, 41225.4897.10490.501010.00000.00000, $1,000,000, 41225.4897.10490.501010.00000.00000, $1,6000,000, 41225.4897.18445.501010.00000.00000, $500,000, 41225.4897.17870.501010.00000.00000, $1,500,000, 41225.4897.14305.50101.00000.000000, $500,000, 41225.4897.14355.501010.00000.00000, $500,000, 41225.4897.15975.501010.00000.00000, $1,500,000, 41225.4897.16980.501010.00000.00000, $2,000,000, 41225.4897.16590.501010.00000.00000, $1,000,000, 41225.4897.16290.501010.00000.00000, $750,000, 41225.4897.10355.501010.00000.00000, $2,000,000, 41225.4897.14280.501010.00000.00000, $1,500,000, 41225.4897.14160.501010.00000.00000, $1,000,0000, 41225.4897.14295.501010.00approvePass Action details Not available
22-2866 1 Project REACCH-OUTGrant Award AmendmentPROPOSED GRANT AWARD AMENDMENT Department: Cook County Health Grantee: Cook County Health Grantor: Dept. of Health & Human Services/Substance & Mental Health Services Administration Request: Authorization to appropriation. Purpose: Rapid Engagement and Access to Cook County Health for Opioid Use Treatment (Project REACCH-OUT) Supplemental Grant Amount: $525,000.00 Grant Period: 9/30/2021 - 9/29/2022 Extension Period: N/A Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A. Date of Previous Board Authorization for Grant: 10/7/2021 Previous Grant Amount: $525,000.00 Concurrences: The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any Summary: The Grant Award amount is $525,000.00. There are no expenses in FY21. There are $525,000.00 in carry over funds. This request is to add/increase the appropriation for FY22 for Grant Award #11509 by $525,000.00.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2984 1 Sexual Nurse Assault ExaminerGrant Award AmendmentPROPOSED GRANT AWARD AMENDMENT Department: Cook County Health Grantee: Cook County Health Grantor: US Dept. of Health & & Human Services/Health Resources & Services Adm. (HRSA) Request: Authorization to increase allocation to $544,686.00. Purpose: Sexual Nurse Assault Examiner Program Supplemental Grant Amount: N/A Grant Period: 9/30/2021-6/30/2022 Extension Period: N/A Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: N/A Date of Previous Board Authorization for Grant: 9/23/2021 Previous Grant Amount: $500,000.00 Concurrences: The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any Summary: This request is to increase current Grant Award 11491, Project 26337, Program 54168 in grant carry over funds from $205,304.00 to $750,000.00 which includes an allowed rollover amount of $250,000.00 that is unspent from previous Grant Award 11252, Project 25440, Program, 53962.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2575 1  ReportREPORT Department: Veterans Assistance Commission Report Title: Fiscal Year 2022 - VAC 1st Quarter Report Report Period: 12/1/2021 - 2/28/2022 Summary: Per Board Resolution this quarterly provides daily activity at the VAC from 12/1/2021 - 2/28/2022.referPass Action details Not available
22-3152 1  ContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Bureau of Administration, Revenue, Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, Animal and Rabies Control, Public Health, Stroger Hospital Vendor: Sutton Ford, Matteson, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Ford Vehicles for Various Cook County Agencies Contract Value: $913,337.00 Contract period: 5/23/2022 - 5/22/2023, with one (1), one (1) year renewal option Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2022 $913,337.00 Accounts: 11569.1011.21120.560265 (BOA); 11569.1007.21120.560265. (Revenue); 11569.1440.17825.560265. (Juvenile Temporary Detention Center); 11312.1510.21120.560225 (Animal and Rabies Control); 41569.4895.21120.560265 (Public Health); 41569.4897.21120.560265 (Stroger Hospital) Contract Number(s): 2145-11241 Concurrences: The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: The Bureau of Administration respectfully request to enter into a contract with Sutton Ford thatapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3162 1  ContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Bureau of Administration, County Clerk, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Animal and Rabies Control, State’s Attorney, Provident Hospital, Stroger Hospital Vendor: Sutton Ford, Matteson, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Ford Vans for Various Cook County Agencies Contract Value: $746,768.00 Contract period: 5/23/2022 - 5/22/2023, with one (1), one (1) year renewal option Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2022 $746,768.00 Accounts: 11569.1011.21120.560265 (BOA); 11306.1110.21120.560265 (County Clerk); 11569.1335.21120.560225 (Clerk of the Circuit Court); 11312.1510.21120.560225 (Animal and Rabies Control); 11569.1250.21120.560225 (State’s Attorney); 41569.4891.21120.560265 (Provident Hospital); 41569.4897.21120.560265.56026 (Stroger Hospital) Contract Number(s): 2145-11242 Concurrences: The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: The Bureau of Administration reapprovePass Action details Not available
22-1930 1 Resolution for Vacate Parcel in Oak ForestResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION VACATING RESOLUTION Resolution to Vacate an Unimproved Parcel of 167th Street, At the Intersection of 167th Street at Kilbourn Avenue In the City of Oak Forest WHEREAS, in 1968, the County of Cook acquired by condemnation right-of-way along 167th Street between Interstate 57 and Kilbourn Avenue in the City of Oak Forest, for highway purposes; said document recorded as document number 20980471 in the records of the Cook County Clerk; and WHEREAS, the acquired right-of-way includes a small parcel at the intersection of 167th Street at Kilbourn Avenue; and WHEREAS, no motor fuel tax funds have been expended for an improvement to said parcel; and WHEREAS, there is no physical road on said parcel nor are there any discussions for a future improvement that would include said parcel; and WHEREAS, the City of Oak Forest has requested that the County of Cook vacate said parcel and disclaim any interest of the County of Cook to this land; and WHEREAS, all existing utility rights to the parcel at the time of vacation remain for the maintenance, renapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2781 1 Monthly Status Report for Construction - April 2022ReportREPORT Department: Transportation and Highways Report Title: Bureau of Construction Status Report Report Period: 4/1/2022 - 4/30/2022 Action: Receive and File Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests that the status report be received and filed for Construction for the month of April 2022.receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2858 1 Agreement of Understanding with IDOTAgreement (Highway)PROPOSED AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): State of Illinois Department of Transportation Request: Approval of proposed Agreement of Understanding for Maintenance and Construction Goods or Services: Maintenance and Construction Location: County Wide Section Number: N/A County Board District: County Wide Centerline Mileage: N/A Agreement Period: one-time agreement Agreement Number(s): N/A Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: None Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully request approval of the proposed Agreement between the County and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation. This Agreement addresses the approval of County and Road District Motor Fuel Tax, Township Bridge, Township Bridge Lapse Pool, 80.000 Pound Truck Access Road, Economic Development, Park Access Road and any other funding administered under Motor Fuel Tax policies and procedures.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2919 1 Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment with Village of Tinley ParkIntergovernmental Agreement Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Tinley Park, Illinois Request: Approval of proposed First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: Preliminary Engineering Services and Design Engineering Services Location: Village of Tinley Park, Illinois Section: 17-B6125-00-EG Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 6 Agreement Number: N/A Agreement Period: N/A Fiscal Impact: $49,998.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment between the County and the Village of Tinley Park. The Village of Tinley Park is the lead agency for Part A preliminary engineering services and Part B design engineering services for improvements along 175th Street from Oak Park Avenue to Ridgeland Avenue, Ridgeland Avenue from 175th Street to Oak Forest Avenue, and OaapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2923 1 Contract Amendment for co 1938-17922, for Southwest Cook County Trucking Action PlanContract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Planning Services Location: Southwest Cook County County Board District(s): 6, 11, 16, 17 Original Contract Period: 11/1/2020 - 4/30/2022 Section: 19-6SCTS-00-ES Proposed Contract Period Extension: 5/1/2022 - 9/30/2022 Section: 19-6SCTS-00-ES Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $274,998.00 Original Board Approval: 10/22/2020, $274,998.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $31,315.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2022 $31,315.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.520830 Contract Number(s): 1938-17922 IDOT Contract Number(s): N/A Federal Project Number(s): N/A Federal Job Number(s): N/A Concurrences: The approvePass Action details Not available
22-2930 1 Contract Amendment for NAPA contractContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Transportation and Highways, Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Vendor: Genuine Parts Company d/b/a NAPA, Naperville, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Vendor Managed Inventory Program for Fleet Operations Original Contract Period: 6/1/2018 - 5/31/2021, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Extension Renewal and Increase] Proposed Contract Period: Extension Renewal: 6/1/2022 - 5/31/2023 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $9,700,000.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 5/16/2018, $9,200,000.00 Increase Requested: $1,050,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): 10/22/2020, $500,000.00 increase Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: 10/22/2020, 6/1/2021 - 5/31/2022 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Exteapprove as amended in the errataPass Action details Not available
22-2991 1 Agreement for Reimbursement with RailroadAgreement for Reimbursement (Highway)PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Union Pacific Railroad Company (UPRR), Omaha, Nebraska Request: Approval of Proposed Agreement for Reimbursement. Goods or Services: Preliminary Engineering Location: Village of Glenview, Illinois County Board District: 14 Section: 21-BRREP-00-BR Centerline Mileage: N/A Agreement Period: one-time agreement Agreement Number(s): N/A Fiscal Impact: $25,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Agreement for Reimbursement between the County and Union Pacific Railroad Company, (UPRR). The UPRR will be the lead agency for preliminary engineering services work of East Lake Avenue Bridge Repair Project located in the Village of Glenview, Illinois. The County of Cook will pay for a share of the preliminary engineering services work costs incurred by the UPRR and shall reimburse the UPRR for itapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2884 1 WSP, Chicago, IllinoisContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Capital Planning & Policy Vendor: WSP, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Architectural and Engineering Design Services for infrastructure Systems Evaluation Contract Value: $4,355,718.50 Contract period: 7/1/2022 - 12/31/2027 Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2022 $433,439.60; FY 2023 $862,500.58; FY 2024 $946,407.37; FY 2025 $1,264,562.00; FY 2026 $305,311.79; FY 2027 $291,007.67; FY 2028 $252,489.50 Accounts: 11569.1031.11190.560105/7.00000.00000 Contract Number(s): 1923-18040 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: The overall intent of this project is for the Central Plant (inclusive of the heating/cooling distribution), CCAB, CCB, RTU, Cermak and the Tunnels at DOC Campus, and their related infrastructure systems to be fully evaluated in their entirety for upgrades referPass Action details Not available
22-2887 1 ACR, Wheeling, IllinoisPayment ApprovalPROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL Department(s): Capital Planning and Policy Action: Approval to pay invoice Payee: ACR, Wheeling, Illinois Good(s) or Service(s): Water Mitigation Fiscal Impact: $75,783.02 Accounts: 11569.1031.11190.560105/7.00000.00000 Contract Number(s): N/A Summary: Remediation and restoration services at Cicero Records CenterapprovePass Action details Not available
22-1766 1 SET EnvironmentalContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management Vendor: SET Environmental Inc., Wheeling, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Hazardous Environmental Handling Contract Value: $500,000.00 Contract period: 6/15/2022 - 4/15/2023 Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2022 $249,996.00, FY 2023 $250,004.00 Accounts: 11100.1200.12355.540350 Contract Number(s): 2145-18602 Concurrences: The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This contract will provide the Department of Facilities Management with environmental response services in emergency and non-emergency situations involving up to and including spill containment, clean up and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous special waste. This is a Comparable Government Procurement pursuant to Section 34-140 of the Cook County Procurement Code. SET Environmental, Inc. was awarded a contract by the City of Chicago through aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2606 1 Columbia Pipe and Supply CompanyContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management Vendor: Columbia Pipe and Supply Company, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Sloan Plumbing Parts Original Contract Period: 11/15/2019 - 11/14/2022 with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 11/15/2022 - 11/14/2023 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $203,600.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Procurement, 11/8/2019, $103,600.00 Increase Requested: $100,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 10/27/2021, $100,000.00 Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2023 $100,000.00 Accounts: 11100.1200.12355.530188 Contract Number(s): 1approvePass Action details Not available
22-2608 1 Sentry Security FastenersContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management Vendor: Sentry Security Fasteners, Inc., Peoria, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renewal contract Good(s) or Service(s): Southern Folger Detention Grade Lock Parts and Accessories. Original Contract Period: 6/17/2019 - 6/16/2022, with one (1), two (2) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 6/17/2022 - 6/16/2024 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $634,629.18 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 6/6/2019, $634,629.18 Increase Requested: N/A Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: 11100.1200.12355.530188 Contract Number(s): 1845-17853 Concurrences: The contract-approvePass Action details Not available
22-2611 1 Garland/DBSContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management Vendor: Garland/DBS Inc., Cleveland, Ohio Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Roofing, Supplies and Services, Waterproofing and Related Products Original Contract Period: 5/1/2021 - 4/30/2024, with one (1), two (2) year renewal option Proposed Amendment Type: Increase Proposed Contract Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $500,000.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 4/15/2021, $500,000.00 Increase Requested: $250,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: FY22 $62,496.00, FY23 $124,992.00, FY24 $62,512.00 Accounts: 11100.1200.12355.530188 Contract Number(s): 2045-18357 Concurrences: approvePass Action details Not available
22-2888 1 Angstrom LLCContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management Vendor: Angstrom LLC, DBA Angstrom Design + Build, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Furnish and Install Flooring Contract Value: $1,204,500.00 Contract period: 6/1/2022 - 5/31/2023 with two (2) one (1) year renewal options Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY2022 $602,250.00, FY2023 $602,250.00 Accounts: 11100.1200.12355.540350 Contract Number(s): 2102-18680 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: The Department of Facilities Management requests authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Angstrom LLC DBA Angstrom Design + Build for the furnishing and installation of flooring at various Cook County facilities. The vendor was selected pursuant to a publicly advertised competitive bid in accordance approvePass Action details Not available
22-2966 1 Board of Elections Commissioners IGAIntergovernmental AgreementPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (REAL ESTATE) Department: Cook County Department of Real Estate Management Landlord: County of Cook Tenant: Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago Request: Request to Enter into Intergovernmental Agreement Location: George W. Dunne Building Pedway LL02, LL14 and LL15, 69 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois Agreement Period: 5/1/2022 - 4/30/2023 Termination: N/A Space Occupied: 4,140 Sq. Ft. Fiscal Impact: Revenue Generating Accounts: N/A Summary: Requesting approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Cook, as Landlord, and, Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago, establishing a one (1) year term for leased office space representing various suites located in the pedway of the George W. Dunne office building at 69 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois. The spaces shall be utilized for expanded operations related to elections services over the lease term.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2967 1 IGA with IL CMSIntergovernmental AgreementPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (REAL ESTATE) Department: Cook County Department of Real Estate Management Landlord: County of Cook Tenant: State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services Request: Request to Enter into Intergovernmental Agreement Location: 2245 West Ogden, Partial Fifth Floor, Chicago, Illinois Agreement Period: 6/1/2022 - 5/31/2027 Termination: Either Party may terminate this Lease, effective on the last day of any calendar month, by giving one hundred eighty days (180) prior written notice to the other Party. However, tenant shall not be entitled to terminate, unless Tenant provides a payment of the unamortized balance of the Tenant Alteration Allowance together with any notice or request to terminate the agreement. Space Occupied: 3,428 Sq. Ft. Fiscal Impact: Revenue Generating Accounts: N/A Summary: Requesting approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Cook, a body politic and corporate as Landlord, and, State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services, establishing a fiapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2975 1 Conveyance Resolution: Village of LemontResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPERTY CONVEYANCE RESOLUTION: VILLAGE OF LEMONT WHEREAS, On March 17th, 2022, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved a vacating resolution presented by the County Department of Transportation and Highways (DOTH), which vacated an irregular shaped piece of Right of Way consisting of approximately 0.040 acres located at the southwest corner of the IL Route 83 and Bell Road intersection, identified as EL #450, in the Village of Lemont within Cook County Commissioner District 17; and WHEREAS, Cook County Department of Real Estate Management was notified that the Village of Lemont is working to develop the site adjacent to this excess land. The acquisition of this vacated parcel will aid in providing an access point for the proposed development, which will enhance the Village’s economic development efforts and provide a benefit to Lemont residents as well residents in the surrounding communities. This land is necessary because it completes the corner parcel where development will be taking place; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Cook County Code Chapter referPass Action details Not available
22-2976 1 Declaration of Surplus Property and Conveyance Resolution: City of Oak ForestResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY AND CONVEYANCE TO CITY OF OAK FOREST WHEREAS, The Cook County Department of Real Estate Management requests authorization to have certain County-owned property adjacent to 167th Steet, identified as EL #447 (Parcel 1), as well as a portion of the County right-of-way (Parcel 2) on the west side of Kilbourn Avenue, north of 167th Street declared as “Surplus Property” by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County and to convey the properties to the City of Oak Forest; and WHEREAS, EL-447 (Parcel 1) consists of approximately 0.34 acres and is a slightly irregular-shaped parcel of land in Cook County Commissioner District 5 and is located at the northwest corner of 167th Street and Kilbourn Avenue. The County right-of-way (Parcel 2) on the west side of Kilbourn Avenue consists of approximately 0.024 acres; and WHEREAS, Cook County Department of Real Estate Management was notified that the City of Oak Forest is working to develop the site adjacent to this excess land. The acquisition of the surplus parcel and of the right-of-referPass Action details Not available
22-3091 1 Brixmor SPE3, LLCResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION Brixmor SPE3, LLC WHEREAS, write your text in each clause, separate with a semicolon, each clause should end with this>>>; and WHEREAS, repeat this for as many Whereas clauses you have; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby do what you are suggesting or endorsing with this resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this is where you ask for further action or where you ask for ceremonial copies of your resolution to be sent to the person or organizations being memorialized.referPass Action details Not available
22-3125 1 55th & Kedzie LLC d/b/a Pete’s Fresh MarketsResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION 55th & Kedzie LLC d/b/a Pete’s Fresh Markets 7b PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 7b application containing the following information: Applicant: 55th & Kedzie LLC d/b/a Pete’s Fresh Markets Address: 15080 S. La Grange Road, Orland Park, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Orland Park Cook County District: 17th District Permanent Index Number: 27-09-401-051-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Orland Park, Resolution No. 2128 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: More than 24 months Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Commercial use - retail Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: N/A Commercial use WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 7b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, treferPass Action details Not available
22-3129 1 B & Z Heating and Air IncResolution (Class 8) No Purchase for Value TEERMPROPOSED RESOLUTION B & Z Heating and Air Inc. CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information: Applicant: B & Z Heating and Air Inc. Address: 15327 70th Court, Unit 1007, Oak Forest, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Oak Forest Cook County District: 6th District Permanent Index Number: 28-18-100-050-1007 Municipal Resolution Number: City of Oak Forest Resolution No. 2020-09-0378R Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 15 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes TEERM (TEMPORARY EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RECOVERY MODIFICATION (Vacant for more than 12 months but less than 24 months - No Purchase for Value) Justification: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use- storage and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property AssreferPass Action details Not available
22-3130 1 6230 West, LLCResolution (Class 8) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION 6230 West, LLC CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information: Applicant: 6230 West, LLC Address: 6230 W. 159th Street, Oak Forest, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Oak Forest Cook County District: 6th District Permanent Index Number: 28-17-302-065-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Oak Forest, Resolution No. 2020-02-0366R Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 11 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Commercial use - Retail Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned commercial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for Assessment defines abandreferPass Action details Not available
22-3157 1 Aarya Properties, Inc.Resolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Aarya Properties, Inc.6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Aarya Properties, Inc Address: 8120 Central Park Avenue, Skokie, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Skokie Cook County District: 13th District Permanent Index Number: 10-23-325-040-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Resolution Number Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 23 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing, and/or distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for Assessment defreferPass Action details Not available
22-3158 1 Exeter 1000 Estes, LLCAmendment to a Previously Approved ItemREQUEST TO AMEND A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEM Department: Department of Planning and Development Request: Requesting authorization for the Cook County Board of Commissioners to approve as amended Item Number: 22-1307 Previously Approved Date: 3/17/2022 The amendment is indicated by the underscored and stricken language. RESOLUTION Sponsored by THE HONORABLE TONI PRECKWINKLE, PRESIDENT AND KEVIN B. MORRISON, COUNTY COMMISSIONER EXETER 1000 ESTES, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Exeter 1000 Estes, LLC Address: 1850 Greenleaf Avenue , 1000 Estes Avenue, Elk Grove Village, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Elk Grove Cook County District: 15th District Permanent Index Number: 08-34-100-012-0000, 08-34-100-036-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Elk Grove, Resolution No. 70-20 Number of month proapprovePass Action details Not available
22-0286 1 Teamsters 743 Provident 2020-2024ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION APPROVAL OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT INCLUDING AN ECONOMIC PACKAGE (WAGE INCREASES AND HEALTHCARE) BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF COOK AND THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS LOCAL 743 REPRESENTING PROVIDENT HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and WHEREAS, a collective bargaining agreement for the period of December 1, 2020, through November 30, 2024, has been negotiated between the County of Cook and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 743, representing Provident Hospital employees; and WHEREAS, salary adjustments and general wage increases are reflected in the salary schedules included in the collective bargaining agreement negotiated between the County of Cook and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 743, representing Provident Hospital employees; and (a) effective upon ratification of the collective bargaining agreement by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, all bargaininapprovePass Action details Not available
22-1964 1 Bi-Weekly Activity Report Pay Period 7ReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Human Resources Report Title: Human Resources Bi-Weekly Activity Reports Report Period: Pay Period 7: March 13, 2022 - March 26, 2022 Summary: This report lists all new hires and terminations of employees in executive, administrative or professional positions, Grades 17 through 24, and employees in such positions who have transferred positions, received salary adjustments, whose positions have been transferred or reclassified, or employees who are hired into positions as Seasonal Work Employees, Extra Employees, Extra Employees for Special Activities and Employees per Court Order.receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-3155 1 Ethics Rules Proposed ChangesProposed Changes to Public Facing Rules and RegulationsPROPOSED CHANGES TO PUBLIC FACING RULES AND REGULATIONS Department: Department of Human Rights & Ethics Summary: Amendments were made to the Cook County Board of Ethics Procedural Rules to align with the December 2021 amendments to Code of Ordinances of Cook County Illinois, Division 2. Code of Ethical Conduct. Amendments include: Addition of Section 9.9 - De Minimis Personal Use of Cook County Property and Resources; Addition of Section 9.10 - Dual Employment; Amendment to Section 3.10 - Statements by the General Public at Board Meetings to affirm procedural and etiquette expectations; Amendment to Section 4.5 - Form of Request for Advisory Opinions to affirm Advisory Opinions must be requested in writing; Amendment to Section 5.9 - Notice of Investigation and Opportunity to Present Information to affirm that the Board is not required to reveal the existence or nature of an investigation in order to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of any investigative inquiry; Amendment to Section 5.15 - Time to Complete Investigation and Suspension of InvereferPass Action details Not available
22-2935 1 OIIG Quarterly Report, 1st Quarter 2022ReportREPORT Department: Office of the Independent Inspector General Report Title: Independent Inspector General Quarterly Report, 1st Quarter 2022 Report Period: January 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022 Summary: This report was written in accordance with Section 2-287 of the Independent Inspector General Ordinance, Cook County, Ill., Ordinances 07-O-52 (2007) (“OIIG Ordinance”), to apprise the President and the County Board of the activities of this office during the time period beginning January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022. It is being placed on the County Board meeting agenda for receipt and file or referral to the Litigation Committee pursuant to a recent amendment to Section 2-287 of the OIIG Ordinance.referPass Action details Not available
22-3020 1 OIIG MWRD Proposed IGA AmendmentIntergovernmental Agreement AmendmentPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Department: Independent Inspector General Other Part(ies): Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorize execution of First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: The Independent Inspector General’s Office provides IG services to the MWRD Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: 5/17/2022 - 5/16/2023 Fiscal Impact: Revenue Generating Accounts: Revenue deposited in OIIG Appropriation account: 11000.1080.10155.580420 Summary: In May 2019, the County/OIIG and MWRD entered into an IGA whereby the OIIG would provide IG services to the MWRD in the manner set forth in the Cook County OIIG enabling ordinance. The MWRD has requested to extend such services under the proposed IGA.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2201 1 McKesson -Narcan Kit Renewal & IncreaseContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office Vendor: McKesson Medical - Surgical Government Solutions, LLC, Richmond Virgina Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Adapt Pharma Intranasal Naloxone spray Original Contract Period: 9/12/2019 - 6/30/2020, with three (3), one (1) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $311,250.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 9/5/2019, $210,000.00 Increase Requested: $117,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): 4/15/2021, $101,250.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: 4/15/2021, (7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022) Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 7/27/2020, (7/1/2020 -6/30/2021) Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2022 $58,50approvePass Action details Not available
22-2775 1 IGA- Orland TownshipIntergovernmental AgreementPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department Other Part(ies): Orland Township, Orland Park, Illinois Request: Authorization to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: Hireback Police Services provided by the Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department to Orland Township Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: Upon Execution of this agreement by all the parties and continue for one (1) year Fiscal Impact: None. Revenue Neutral Accounts: 11100.1231.13355.501211 - OT; 11100.1499.13355.540250 - Vehicle Summary: As part of this agreement, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office will assign one (1) off duty Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department Officer (CCSPD) and one (1) police car to provide Extra Duty police services to Orland Township. Under this agreement, the Orland Township agrees to pay CCSPD a rate of $40.00 per hour for police services rendered by the CCSPD Extra Duty Officers. Said payment shall be used by the CCSPD to pay stipend of $35.00 per hour, with no additional approvePass Action details Not available
22-2826 1 Security Machines Maintenance & RepairsContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office Vendor: Remi Holdings, LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Security Machine Maintenance & Repairs Contract Value: $832,387.20 Contract period: 6/1/2022 - 5/31/2025, with one (1), two (2) year renewal option Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2022 $138,732.00, FY 2023 $277,461.60, FY2024 $$277,461.60, FY 2025 $138,732.00 Accounts: 11100.1230.16876.540149, (Maintenance and Subscription Services; 11100.1239.16875.520390 (Contract Maintenance Service) Contract Number(s): 2106-18685R Concurrences: The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: The Cook County Sheriff’s Office requests that the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer enter into and execute a contract with Remi Holdings, LLC of Charlotte, North Carolina for security machine maintenance and repair services. This contract will allow the Sheriff’s Office approvePass Action details Not available
22-2829 1 Idemia - Contract Renewal (Time Only)Contract Amendment (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office Vendor: Idemia Identity and Security USA, LLC, Anaheim, California Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew contract Good(s) or Service(s): Computer Aided Booking System (CABS) Maintenance and Support Original Contract Period: 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2021, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $4,584,698.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 6/29/2016, $4,573,250.00 Increase Requested: N/A Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 9/8/2021, $11,448.00 Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 9/8/2021, (7/1/2021-6/30/2022) Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: N/A Contract Number(s): 1411-approvePass Action details Not available
22-2901 1 Payment Only - Funtime ServicesPayment ApprovalPROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office Action: Request for Payment Only Payee: Funtime Services, Naperville, Illinois Good(s) or Service(s): Rental of tents, heaters and propane at the Department of Corrections for social distancing purposes for visitations during COVID 19 Fiscal Impact: $70,692.51 Accounts: 11100.1239.16875.530188- Institutional Supplies Contract Number(s): N/A Summary: The Cook County Sheriff’s Office is requesting approval of payment to Funtime Services for providing tents, heaters and propane at the Department of Corrections. Due to the dramatic increase in positive COVID-19 cases in the months of January, February and March, the Sheriff’s Office needed these tents to provide adequate social distancing during visitations.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2902 1 Payment Only- Marquee Event Group IncPayment ApprovalPROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office Action: Request for Payment Only Payee: Marquee Event Rentals, McCook, Illinois Good(s) or Service(s): Rental of tents, heaters and propane at the Department of Corrections for social distancing purposes for visitations during COVID 19 Fiscal Impact: $41,097.62 Accounts: 11100.1239.16875.530188 - Institutional Supplies Contract Number(s): N/A Summary: The Cook County Sheriff’s Office is requesting approval of payment to Marquee Event Renatls for providing tents, heaters and propane at the Department of Corrections. Due to the dramatic increase in positive COVID-19 cases in the months of January, February and March, the Sheriff’s Office needed these tents to provide adequate social distancing during visitations.approvePass Action details Not available
22-3161 1 Law Enforcement Prosecutor Based Victim Assistance ProgramGrant Award RenewalPROPOSED GRANT AWARD RENEWAL Department: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Grantee: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Grantor: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Request: Authorization to renew grant Purpose: The grant will continue to provide funding for a total of 21 victim specialists. All grant-funded Victim Specialists provide services to all crime victims throughout Cook County Grant Amount: $2,062,500.00 Grant Period: 7/1/2022 - 12/31/2023 Fiscal Impact: $$894,700.00 (Required Match: $515,625.00 and Over Match $ 379,075.00) Accounts: 11100.1250.14245.580034.00000.00000. Most Recent Date of Board Authorization for Grant: 12/16/2021 Most Recent Grant Amount: $687,500.00 Concurrences: The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. Summary: All grant-funded Victim Specialists provide services to all crime victims throughout Cook County. After case assignment, Specialists make an initial assessment of the needs of each case, SpecialistapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2791 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK - MAY 21-27, 2022 WHEREAS, National Safe Boating week will be held from May 21, 2002 - May 27, 2022, as a reminder to all boaters to be mindful of the important life-saving tips for the boating season; and WHEREAS, More than 100 million Americans, will take to the Great Lakes, Rivers, and other bodies of water from coast to coast to enjoy recreational boating activity; and WHEREAS, The Coast Guard estimates that human error accounts for most boating accidents and that wearing a life jacket could prevent nearly 86 percent of boating fatalities; and WHEREAS, A significant number of boaters who lose their lives by drowning each year would be alive today had they worn their life jackets; and WHEREAS, On average, 650 people die each year in boating related accidents in the U.S.; 75 percent of these are fatalities caused by drowning; and WHEREAS, A vast majority of accidents are caused by human error or poor judgment and not by the boat, equipment, or environmental factors; and WHEREAS, During National Safe BoatiapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2979 1 Anthony Mockus Sr. ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE LIFE OF ANTHONY “TONY” MOCKUS, SR. WHEREAS, WHEREAS, Anthony, “Tony” Mockus, Sr. was a Chicago actor and director of considerable note. His career spanned decades and included appearances on stage, screen, and television. He worked with countless great performers including Henry Fonda, Elizabeth Montgomery, Cloris Leachman, Robert De Niro, and Kevin Costner. He died on April 1, 2011; and WHEREAS, Tony was born in St. Anthony’s Hospital on St. Anthony’s Feast Day. His family belonged to St. Anthony’s Parish. This led to a lifelong devotion to St. Anthony. He attended St. Ignatius High School. His acting career began in high school when he joined the Summer Stock at Lake Geneva during the summer breaks. He was awarded a 4-year scholarship to Fordham University in New York but went to Loyola so that he could remain in Chicago to care for his mother Veronica Mockus and grandmother. He performed with the Uptown Players and was accepted for a role in the traveling Broadway show Mr. Roberts when he was18 years old; and WHEREAS, Tony was a devoutapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3120 1 Karen Danczak Lyons ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE WORK AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF KAREN DANCZAK LYONS WHEREAS, the Evanston Public Library has announced that Karen Danczak Lyons will step down as Executive Director on June 17, 2022; and WHEREAS, Danczak Lyons graduated from Loyola University in Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in 1981 and holds a Master of Library Science degree from Dominican University. Danczak Lyons joined the Evanston library ten years ago, after spending 19 years with the Chicago Public Library system; and WHEREAS, during her tenure, the Evanston Public Library adopted a new vision and business model for the library that goes beyond the walls of library buildings and book stacks to engage and resource residents where they live and gather. That vision led to several new initiatives for the library: expanding and bringing new, innovative services to Evanston; lending technology like Wi-Fi hotspots and job search tech kits to bridge the digital divide; expanding virtual programming and digital offerings in response to the pandemic and the community’s changing needs; and hiriapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3121 1 Benita Puleo ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE WORK AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF BENITA PULEO WHEREAS, after many years of service, Benita Puleo will retire from the Cook County Assessor’s office; and WHEREAS, Benita came to the United States from the Philippines as a nurse in 1979. She began working at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston. Benita met her future husband, Sam Paleo, Sr., in 1980 when he was hospitalized at St. Francis and she was his night nurse. He describes pursuing her for six months before she agreed to go out on a date. They were married in 1983 and raised their three children: Sam Jr., Joseph, and Antonette. in Niles, Illinois. They now have two grandchildren, Isabella, and Evan Puleo; and WHEREAS, Benita became a U.S. citizen in 1987 and fully embraced her new country. She and Sam were regulars at the Fourth of July parades, Benita always wearing her U.S flag shirt. They were regular volunteers for the Democratic Party Committeewoman Laura Murphy and helped organize the coffee and bingo nights; and WHEREAS, Benita worked at St. Francis for fifteen years before taking a japprovePass Action details Not available
22-3260 1 Christianna Gray ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING CHRISTIANNA GRAY WHEREAS, Christianna Gray is 11 years old and a 6th grade student at Calvin Christian School, the youngest of 3 siblings, and resides in Chicago's south suburbs with her family; and WHEREAS, at just 9 months old, Christianna began speaking complete sentences and learned to read over 150 words by the time she was 1 year old; and WHEREAS, Christianna is known to her family and friends as being extremely vibrant, friendly, smart, compassionate, and creative; and WHEREAS, Christianna has found a love for public speaking, singing, dancing, and acting and is often asked to speak at local public and private schools, churches, and organizations such as Rainbow PUSH Coalition; and WHEREAS, Christianna’s speeches include Being Black in the Workplace, by Anonymous Author & I Am The Black Child by Michael Wynn, I Sued the School System by Prince E.A., Ain’t I A Woman by Sojourner Truth, and Everybody dies but not everybody lives, by Prince E.A., which can be found on YouTube; and WHEREAS, Christianna’s creativity and intelligencapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3263 1 Reverend Dr. Eddie Lenwood Knox Jr. ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION SALUTING REVEREND DR. EDDIE LENWOOD KNOX JR. AS A LIFELONG GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT WHEREAS, since 1947 Reverend Dr. Eddie Lenwood Knox Jr. was a Christian, who truly loved the Lord. Eddie began his lifelong service in Chicago, Illinois and departed on April 11, 2022; and WHEREAS, Eddie was born on September 28, 1947, and was baptized as a child at Good Shepherd Congregational Church. In his early teens he joined Crerar Memorial Presbyterian with his family, and after graduating from Seminary, became the Pastor of Pullman Presbyterian Church. That part of his Christian Journey lasted over 32 years. Prior to his retirement in December 2019, Eddie was bestowed the title of Pastor Emeritus, Pullman Presbyterian Church; and WHEREAS, Eddie’s education began at Betsy Ross Elementary and Lewis Champlain Elementary Schools. Eddie’s early childhood scholarly achievements provided him entrance into Tilden Tech High School. Following his graduation, he continued his quest for higher learning and attended Southeast City College, University of Illinois andapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3264 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE VILLAGE OF ELMWOOD PARK’S EFFORTS TO CONSTRUCT A WEST GRAND AVENUE GRADE SEPARATION WHEREAS, the Village of Elmwood Park, a thriving Cook County suburb in close proximity to the City of Chicago, comprises a community of nearly 25,000 residents and boasts first-class services and facilities, including a transportation network that serves the region; and WHEREAS, the transportation infrastructure in Elmwood Park is dangerously impeded by the West Grand Avenue highway-railroad at-grade crossing and poses a significant safety hazard to the public at large due to the metrics of the crossing. West Grand Avenue is intersected by three Canadian Pacific rail tracks, which are also utilized by Metra and is the widest crossing in Illinois at 366 feet; and WHEREAS, the West Grand Avenue intersection has been plagued with accidents, including injuries and fatalities, for decades. From 1956 to 2005, there were 45 crashes including 27 injuries and 7 fatalities. From 2014 through 2018, there were 36 recorded crashes. On November 23, 2005, the day beforapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3292 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING WGN-RADIO / 100TH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, WGN Radio first signed on the air, May 19, 1922, with call letters of WDAP, Mid-West Radio Central, Inc. in Chicago; and WHEREAS, Two young Chicagoan’s and radio enthusiasts named Thorne Donnelley and Elliott Jenkins began WDAP as an experimental station and originated its first broadcast from the Wrigley Building; and WHEREAS, In 1923 ownership was transferred to the Board of Trade. And in 1924 The Chicago Tribune purchased WDAP and on June 1st of the same year WDAP was renamed WGN, the call letters originated from “World’s Greatest Newspaper” under the leadership of Colonel Robert McCormick, editor, and publisher of the Chicago Tribune; and WHEREAS, Early programming included live music, political debates, comedy routines, along with some of radio’s first sporting broadcast events, including the 1924 Indianapolis 500, and a live broadcast of the 1925 Scopes Trail from Daytona Tennessee the first broadcast of a regular season baseball game in 1925; and WHEREAS, Over the years the station’s prograpprovePass Action details Not available
22-3308 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING DR. RACHEL RUBIN AND DR. KIRAN JOSHI FOR THEIR PUBLIC SERVICE WHERE AS; the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) is the state-certified local public health agency to 125 incorporated municipalities in 30 townships, covering a 700 square mile area, with a large urban population of approximately 2.3 million residents; and WHERE AS; In late 2019, a new and significant outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in China; and WHERE AS; On Jan. 21, 2020, the CDC confirmed the first U.S. case of novel coronavirus (now commonly known as COVID-19 or COVID) in a Washington resident; and WHERE AS; On Jan. 24, 2020, the Cook County, Chicago, and Illinois departments of public health announced they were jointly investigating the second U.S. case in Cook County, Ill.; WHERE AS; On Jan. 30, 2020, the Cook County, Chicago, and Illinois departments of public health announced the third U.S. COVID case was the husband of the first Cook County case and also the first known case of human-to-human transmission in the U.S.; and WHERsuspend the rulesPass Action details Not available
22-3308 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING DR. RACHEL RUBIN AND DR. KIRAN JOSHI FOR THEIR PUBLIC SERVICE WHERE AS; the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) is the state-certified local public health agency to 125 incorporated municipalities in 30 townships, covering a 700 square mile area, with a large urban population of approximately 2.3 million residents; and WHERE AS; In late 2019, a new and significant outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in China; and WHERE AS; On Jan. 21, 2020, the CDC confirmed the first U.S. case of novel coronavirus (now commonly known as COVID-19 or COVID) in a Washington resident; and WHERE AS; On Jan. 24, 2020, the Cook County, Chicago, and Illinois departments of public health announced they were jointly investigating the second U.S. case in Cook County, Ill.; WHERE AS; On Jan. 30, 2020, the Cook County, Chicago, and Illinois departments of public health announced the third U.S. COVID case was the husband of the first Cook County case and also the first known case of human-to-human transmission in the U.S.; and WHERapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3357 1 Kathy Moore ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE WORK AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF KATHY MOORE WHEREAS, former kindergarten teacher and former State Representative Kathy Moore is being honored as the 2022 Compassion in Action Awardee by Lincoln Park Community Services at their annual Metamorphosis event; and WHEREAS, Kathy grew up in the Beverly neighborhood of the south side of Chicago, the third of four children. She attended St. Barnabas grade school and Mother McAuley High School. She subsequently attended St. Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana where she met her husband, Tom Moore, a student at Notre Dame. They married shortly after her graduation and have three children, Carey, Brendan, and Molly; and WHEREAS, Kathy has lived in the Lincoln Park community for more than 50 years and has provided exceptional service to her fellow residents of Lincoln Park; and WHEREAS, Kathy spent 30 years teaching Kindergarten-Primary grades in Chicago. Her interest in teaching and mentoring extended beyond the classroom. She has taken in homeless DePaul students and befriended and mentored countleapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3378 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE LEGACY OF ANTIOCH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH WHEREAS, Antioch Missionary Baptist Church was born out of Salem Baptist Church in 1922 and was organized and established out of the Odd Fellows Hall located on the corner of 33rd and State Street, under the leadership of Reverend E. H. Branch on February 24, 1925; and WHEREAS, Antioch M.B. Church continued to grow, in order to accommodate the congregation, a larger church home was purchased and located at 5129 S. Indiana Avenue on May 2, 1928. Pastor E. H. Branch continued to serve as pastor until 1932; and WHEREAS, On December 22, 1932, the church installed Reverend James Monroe Harvey. The membership of the church began to increase even more with the creation of various boards such as the Usher Board, First Aid Nurses Board, Christian Education and many more. In the years to come, Pastor Harvey became ill and was forced to retire. He later died in 1957, establishing the pulpit committee to search for a new pastor; and WHEREAS, After much prayer and sifting through many possible candidates, approvePass Action details Not available
22-3305 1 Honoring Peggy MontesConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING PEGGY A. MONTES: COMMUNITY LEADER, TEACHER, AND ADVOCATE FOR DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN WHEREAS, Peggy A. Montes was born on October 17, 1936 in Chicago, Illinois. Peggy graduated from DuSable High School in 1954; and WHEREAS Peggy A. Montes attended Chicago State University and graduated in 1960. Peggy Montes devoted over sixty years of her life giving back to her alma mater as Chairman and Trustee of the Board and one of the founders of the College of Pharmacy. Additionally, Peggy Montes dedicated the Peggy A. Montes Playground at the new Chicago State University Child Care Center; and WHEREAS, Peggy A. Montes served her community as a teacher for many years. After her teaching career concluded, she led organizations and founded institutions that served her community; and WHEREAS, in 1978, Peggy A. Montes began devoting her energy to philanthropic and volunteer work. She served as a chairperson on the Board of Trustees for the DuSable Museum of African American History Museum from 1989 to 1993. While in this role she oversaw the constructiapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3296 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION A PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND CELEBRATE THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE COOK COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT WHEREAS: In December 1921, Cook County Sheriff Charles W. Peters proposed that the sheriff’s office create a police force responsible for patrolling the roadways and other areas of suburban Cook County; and WHEREAS: in early January 1922, the hiring of 70 highway police deputies was approved by Cook County, and on April 1, 1922, the first 32 Cook County highway patrol officers were officially sworn in; and WHEREAS: The first station, known as Station 1, was at Waukegan Road and Dempster Street until a permanent building was completed in 1924 in Maine Township; and WHEREAS: The highway patrol deputies were eventually reorganized into a sheriff’s police force whose responsibilities continued to grow throughout the 1940s and 1950s; and WHEREAS: The name Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department was adopted, and the colors of tan and brown were introduced for the new sheriff’s police uniform; and WHEREAS: Today’s Sheriff’s Police DepartmenapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3304 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING BISHOP JOHN GORMAN FOR HIS 70 YEARS AS A CATHOLIC PRIEST WHEREAS, John Robert Gorman was born on December 11, 1925, and is an American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church; and WHEREAS, Bishop John Gorman was ordained a priest in 1952, when Harry S. Truman was president of the United States and Venerable Pius XII was pope; and WHEREAS, he served as Assistant Pastor at St. Odilo in Berwyn, St. Andrew, and St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parishes in Chicago; and WHEREAS, he began teaching at Quigley, and then Niles College Seminary, where he became chairman of the psychology department; and WHEREAS, he served on the faculty of Loyola University Chicago’s Institute of Pastoral Studies, teaching summer school at the University of Notre Dame; and WHEREAS, his active ministry spanned five decades, the ministries of five popes, and included 14 years as the Pastor of St. Michael Parish in Orland Park, eight years as Rector/President of the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, and served as director of the Department of Parish/PaapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3332 1 Snell Post Auxiliary ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE SNELL VFW POST 7186 AUXILIARY ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR 75TH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, the William B. Snell VFW Post 7186 Women’s Auxiliary was chartered on April 20, 1947 by the nation Veterans of Foreign Wars to support WWII veterans and their families. This followed the establishment of the William B. Snell Memorial VFW Post the previous year. They celebrate their 75th anniversary this year; and WHEREAS, since its founding, Snell Post VFW Auxiliary members have continued to fulfill the mission of supporting the VFW, serving veterans and service members of all war eras and their families, and fostering patriotism throughout the community. Geri Sizemore has served as president of the Post for fourteen years; and WHEREAS, Auxiliary members have volunteered millions of hours, donated millions of dollars, and honored hundreds of thousands of veterans over those seventy-five years. Even during the pandemic, the Auxiliary continued its work to stay true to its mission. Auxiliary members picked up nonperishable food items from the Levy Center to delapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3334 1 Karen Singer ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE WORK AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF KAREN SINGER WHEREAS, after serving nearly two decades, current President and CEO Karen Singer has announced she will retire from YWCA Evanston/North Shore (YWCA E/NS). Since Singer joined the organization in 2005 it has doubled the number of participants served, launched its Equity Institute, increased private funding tenfold, and completed an $18.5 million expansion that doubled its footprint; and WHEREAS, under her leadership, the YWCA E/NS established the annual YWomen Leadership Awards to recognize the outstanding contributions that women in the community have made toward empowering women and eliminating racism (2008); expanded the relationship violence prevention program Building Healthy Relationships to include curricula for middle school and high school youth and the Campus Dating Violence program (2009); expanded the financial literacy program Basic Money Management to the community (2010); initiated the Equity Institute, positioning the organization as a resource and leader in working to achieve equity, beapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3335 1 Karen Demorest ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE WORK AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF KAREN TOLLENAAR DEMOREST WHEREAS, Karen Tollenaar Demorest is stepping down as Executive Director the Youth Job Center (YJC) Evanston in May 2022, a role she has held since August 2014; and WHEREAS, YJC’s mission is to provide success for young people - in the workplace and in life. For 37 years, YJC has provided work readiness training, personalized career advising, job placement, and support to over 2,000 young adults (ages 14-25) per year across Evanston, Chicago, and Cook County. YJC is an affiliate of the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership; and WHEREAS, during her tenure, YJC expanded services to Chicago, launched the Career Pathways Program and Summer Corps, expanded partnerships with Chicago Public Schools, partnered with GAP, Inc. and the Southwest Organizing Project, and rebuilt a strong volunteer program with engaged partners and community members. During the pandemic, YJC expanded its virtual capabilities so that its services were available to young adults throughout the region and beyond; and WHEREapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3344 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF PAT FOLEY WHEREAS, Chicago Blackhawks broadcaster, and Glenview resident, Pat Foley called his final game on April 14, 2022; and WHEREAS, Pat Foley is synonymous with Chicago Blackhawks hockey, announcing for the team on both TV and radio for 39 years; and WHEREAS, Pat Foley attended Michigan State University where he graduated with a telecommunications degree; and WHEREAS, Pat Foley’s first play-by-play announcing experience was for women’s basketball; and WHEREAS, Pat Foley’s first broadcaster job was for the Grand Rapids Owls, a Minor Professional hockey team playing in the International Hockey League; and WHEREAS, a jack of all trades, Pat Foley also handled public relations and sales for the Grand Rapids Owls; and WHEREAS, Pat Foley made his Blackhawks broadcasting debut for the sixth game of the 1980-81 season at the age of 26, the same night Stan Mikita’s jersey was retired by the Blackhawks; and WHEREAS, Pat Foley gained adoration and respect from fans for his detailed descriptions of plays on the ice aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3345 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CELEBRATING MAY 2022 AS BIKE MONTH IN COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, Bike Month is celebrated in May to promote the many benefits of biking and create greater public awareness of bicycle operation and safety education in an effort to reduce collisions, injuries, and fatalities and improve health and safety for everyone on the road; and WHEREAS, Cook County has one of the strongest communities of bikers and bike advocates of any metropolitan area in the country; and WHEREAS, mobility equity is a hallmark of human and civil rights, free and safe travel is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment, and Cook County’s policy framework highlights transportation as key to the equitable distribution of opportunities; and WHEREAS, Cook County strives to meet the needs of all Cook County residents who wish to bike - regardless of age, ability, race, gender, ethnicity, culture, or income; and WHEREAS, the bicycle is an economical, healthy, convenient, and environmentally sound form of transportation and an excellent tool for recreation and enjoyment approvePass Action details Not available
22-3367 1 J. Ivy ResolutionConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING J. IVY WHEREAS, J. Ivy is an award-winning poet, author, actor, and philanthropist who exemplifies the spirit of excellence, perseverance, and creativity in Cook County; and WHEREAS, J. Ivy was born on the South Side of Chicago on March 3, 1976, to WVON radio personality James Ivy Richardson and Pamela Richardson, a registered nurse who served at Cook County Hospital; and, as a child the family, along with two brothers, Virgil, and Sergio, relocated to the south suburbs; and WHEREAS, he lost a third brother, Demond, to gun violence in 1988, sparking his commitment to eradicating the apathy, despair and hopelessness that ensnared far too many of his peers; and WHEREAS, in 1994 J. Ivy, graduated from Rich Central High School in Olympia Fields, and attended Illinois State University where he majored in marketing and worked various jobs while daring to dream big; and WHEREAS, J. Ivy’s poetry and storytelling styles were influenced by Gil Scott-Heron, The Last Poets, Hip Hop musician Slick Rick, Illinois Poet Laureate Gwendolyn Brooks, as weapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3387 1 HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF DON JOSE MORENOConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF DON JOSE MORENO WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Don Jose Moreno from our midst on April 15, 2022, at the age of 99; and WHEREAS, Don Jose was born in 1923 in San Luis Potosí, México, and immigrated to the United States in 1941; he moved to Chicago in the late 1950’s to work in the railroad industry and pursue his dream of starting his own business; and WHEREAS, Don Jose's dream came true in 1966 when he opened La Escondida, a grocery store in Little Village which was one of the first Mexican businesses in the neighborhood; a few years later he closed La Escondida and opened La Popular which closed in 1975; and WHEREAS, in 1977, Don Jose gave his son, Mike Moreno Sr. a small loan to open Moreno's Liquors, which remains open today; Don Jose would help open and close the store while still working at Chicago North Western Railway; and WHEREAS, Don Jose's passion was spending time with his family, playing loteria with his friends, and helping his neighbors with home repairs; and WHEREAS, approvePass Action details Not available
22-3389 1 A RESOLUTION HONORING SIKH AWARENESS AND APPRECIATION MONTH AND ASIAN AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER MONTHConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION HONORING SIKH AWARENESS AND APPRECIATION MONTH AND ASIAN AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER MONTH WHEREAS, Sikhs have been living in the United States for more than 120 years, and during the early 20th century, thousands of Sikh Americans worked on farms, in lumber mills and mines, and on the Oregon, Pacific & Eastern Railroad; and WHEREAS, Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world and today, there are more than 25 million Sikhs worldwide and an estimated 500,000 Sikh Americans; and WHEREAS, Sikh Americans pursue diverse professions, and make rich contributions to the social, cultural, and economic vibrancy of the United States, including service as members of the United States Armed Forces and significant contributions to our great nation in agriculture, information technology, small businesses, the hotel industry, trucking, medicine, and technology; and WHEREAS, Sikh Americans distinguished themselves by fostering respect among all people through faith and service; and WHEREAS, Cook County is committed to educating citizens abapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3390 1 NLEI 50TH ANNIVERSARYConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING NATIONAL LATINO EDUCATION INSTITUTE ON ITS 50TH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, National Latino Education Institute, (NLEI) is a not-for-profit community service agency that was incorporated in 1972; and WHEREAS, the organization evolved from an advocacy group formed in the late 60’s by several community leaders who decided to challenge major employers in the city who consistently failed to hire qualified Hispanic applicants; and WHEREAS, initially began as Spanish Coalition for Jobs, Inc with job training and job placement programs and WHEREAS, in 1984, Spanish Coalition for Jobs, Inc. purchased a 40,000 square foot building located at Pershing Road to establish a citywide training facility; and WHEREAS, in 1988, Spanish Coalition for Jobs, Inc. started customized training programs with various downtown employers and launched the Advanced Office Occupation Training Program; and WHEREAS, in 1992, Spanish Coalition for Jobs, Inc. was licensed as a business and trade school affording training with credentials WHEREAS, in 1993, SpanisapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3391 1 A RESOLUTION HONORING KEI SMITH FOR BEING NAMED A HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN YOUTH AMBASSADORConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION HONORING KEI SMITH FOR BEING NAMED A HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN YOUTH AMBASSADOR WHEREAS, Kei Smith has been named as part of the Class of 2022 as a HRC Youth Ambassador; and WHEREAS, HRC Youth Ambassadors are part of HRC’s Youth Well-Being Program, a program dedicated to improving the lived experience of LGBTQ+ youth in everyday institutions of daily life--families, schools, after-school enrichment programs, community centers, health and wellness programs, child welfare, and other systems of care; and WHEREAS, Kei and other Youth Ambassadors, will represent the HRC Foundation, adding their voices and experiences to raise awareness about the most pressing concerns facing LGBTQ+ youth and programs that promote well-being for LGBTQ+ youth; and, WHEREAS, Kei Smith is a bisexual woman from the northwest suburbs and is a proud community college student; and WHEREAS, Kei was a co-founder and President of the first LGBTQ+ Youth Advisory Council at the Kenneth Young Center in the 15th District; and WHEREAS, through her work with the KennetapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3392 1 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MAY AS MONARCH BUTTERFLY MONTH IN COOK COUNTYConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MAY AS MONARCH BUTTERFLY MONTH IN COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, Cook County and Illinois play a vital role in the migration pattern of monarch butterflies; and WHEREAS, the population of eastern monarch butterfly has drastically decreased over the last 20+ years which has greatly threatened the species and has potential for broader impacts; and WHEREAS, over the past two decades the monarch butterfly population has decreased more than 80 percent; and, WHEREAS, this decline mirrors similar population loss across the country for other pollinator species; and WHEREAS, in the Midwest, the decline in monarch population is largely attributed to loss of up to 70% milkweed habitat since 1999; and WHEREAS, animals and humans alike rely on the activities of pollinator species for survival of ecosystems that provide food and shelter to countless plants and animals; and WHEREAS, government, individual, and organization leaders across Illinois have come together to address this important conservation issue; and WHEREAS, organiapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3397 1  Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING MAY AS ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH WHEREAS, The month of May commemorates the rich and diverse culture of Asian/Pacific Americans, who have enriched America’s history and were instrumental in its future success; and WHEREAS, On October 5, 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a joint resolution designating the annual celebration of Asian/Pacific Heritage Week during the first 10 days of May; in May 1990, the holiday was further expanded when Congress designated May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month; and WHEREAS, the more than 300,000 Asian American residents of Cook County have contributed significantly to the development of our neighborhoods and cities; and WHEREAS, Asian, along with Irish immigrants and African Americans among others, constructed and operated the transcontinental railroads that passed through Cook County and provided the basis for our county’s economic strength as a transportation center; and WHEREAS, This year’s commemoration of Asian Pacific American heritage comes at a fraught and vexing momapprovePass Action details Not available
22-1993 1 JOC Program ExtensionContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy Vendor: Various Vendors (See “Summary” Below) Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend contract Good(s) or Service(s): Countywide Job Order Contract (JOC) Program Original Contract Period: 6/1/2016 - 5/31/2018, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Extension Proposed Contract Period: 6/1/2022 - 11/30/2022 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $165,649,995.51 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 5/11/2016 Increase Requested: N/A Previous Board Increase(s): 7/25/2018, $76,500,000.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 3/14/2018, $149,995.51 to 1555-14475 GC3 Previous Board Renewals: 7/25/2018, 6/1/2019 - 5/31/2020 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 2/15/2018, 6/1/2018 - 5/31/2019 Previous Board Extension(s): 4/23/2020, 6/1/2020-5/31/2021; 6/24/2021, 6/1/2021-5/31/2022 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal ImpaapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2415 1 Primera Engineers, Chicago, IllinoisContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy Vendor: Primera Engineers, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Architectural and Engineering Services for Countywide Camera Project - Phase 2 Contract Value: $1,160,035.00 Contract period: 5/1/2022 - 4/30/2024 with one (1) one-year renewal option Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2022 $400,000.00, FY 2023 $500,000.00, FY 2024 $290,650.00 Accounts: 11569.1031.11190.560105/7.00000.00000 (Capital Improvement Program) Contract Number(s): 2038-18382 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: The Department of Capital Planning and Policy is requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Primera Engineers, Ltd. Vendor will provide full assessment, design, and construction administration services approvePass Action details Not available
22-2568 1 Benziger LLCResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Benziger LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Benziger LLC Address: 700 Touhy Ave., Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007 Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Elk Grove Cook County District: 15 District Permanent Index Number: 08-27-303-076-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Elk Grove Resolution Number 62-19 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Eight (8) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing, and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County ClassiapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2569 1 Martin Lane Group, IncResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Martin Lane Group, Inc. 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Martin Lane Group, Inc Address: 200 Martin Lane, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007 Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Elk Grove Cook County District: 15th District Permanent Index Number: 08-22-102-224-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Elk Grove Resolution Number 77-19 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 14 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - assembly, warehousing, and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County CapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2570 1 Harvey Real Estate IncResolution (Class 8) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Harvey Real Estate Inc. CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information: Applicant: Harvey Real Estate Inc. Address: 15325 Dixie Highway, Harvey, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: City of Harvey Cook County District: 5th District Permanent Index Number: 29-18-111-024-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: City of Harvey, Resolution Number 2866 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: One week vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Commercial use - Gas Station, minimart Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned commercial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for Assessment deapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2571 1 Actuation Group Inc.Resolution (Class 8) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Actuation Group Inc. CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information: Applicant: Actuation Group Inc. Address: 16660 S. Canal Street, South Holland, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of South Holland Cook County District: 6th District Permanent Index Number: 29-21-317-019-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of South Holland approved August 3, 2020 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Number of months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial Use - manufacturing and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned commercial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook CountyapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2632 1 Old Orchard Urban Limited PartnershipResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION Old Orchard Urban Limited Partnership 7b PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 7b application containing the following information: Applicant: Old Orchard Urban Limited Partnership Address: 4847 Old Orchard Shopping Center, Skokie, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Niles Cook County District: 13th District Permanent Index Number: 10-09-411-074-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Skokie, Resolution No. 21-12-R-1517 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: More than 24 months Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Commercial use - retail Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: N/A Commercial use WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 7b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the CookapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2667 1 Home Investment Partnership Loan - Hanover Landing, ElginHOME Investment Partnerships ProgramPROPOSED HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM Department: Planning and Development Other Part(ies): Hanover Landing LLC, Lincolnwood, IL Request: Respectfully request the Board approve a $1,500,000, 32-year construction and permanent loan with 0% interest and an annual $5,000 payment to support the new construction of Hanover Landing, an affordable permanent supportive housing development in Elgin, IL Total Development Cost: $16,030,794.0 Project Loan Amount: $1,500,000.00 Fiscal Impact: $1,500,000.00 Account(s): 11900.1013.53956.580170. Summary: The new three-story building will have forty 535 SF one-bedroom units, with one unit reserved for the onsite manager. The common areas of the building will be fully accessible, all units will be visitable, and six units will be fully accessible, four units will be adaptable and two sensory impaired units will complete the twelve-unit accessible unit mix. The development will be located at 711 East Chicago Street and 712 East Laurel Street, in Elgin, Illinois, encompassing approximately 3.87 acres. ThapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2807 1 PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR ARPA VITAL COMMUNITIES PROGRAM INITIATIVES IMPLEMENTED BY THE BUREAU OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTResolutionPROPOSED SUBSTITUTE TO FILE 22-2807 (Business and Economic Development Committee 5/11/2022) Sponsored by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President), Cook County Board of Commissioners PROPOSED RESOLUTION ARPA VITAL COMMUNITIES PROGRAM INITIATIVES IMPLEMENTED BY THE BUREAU OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, on March 11, 2021, the federal government authorized the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARPA”) which includes $1.9 trillion in federal stimulus funds to hasten the United States’ recovery from the economic and health effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, specifically, the federal government has authorized and allocated a federal award of approximately $1,000,372,385B of ARPA funding to Cook County to assist the County in its recovery from the economic and health effects of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, on June 24, 2021, the Cook County American Rescue Plan Act Framework (the “ARPA Framework”) was presented to the Cook County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, to effectuate the approach outlined in the ARPA Framework, the Cook County Board of Commissioners authorized tapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2803 1 SPECIAL FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETINGResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION REQUESTING A JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE COOK COUNTY FINANCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEES, DEPARTMENTS AND SEPARATELY ELECTED OFFICIALS TO DISCUSS ISSUES AND POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS TO A LATE MAILING OF SECOND INSTALLMENT PROPERTY TAX BILLS WHEREAS, the Cook County Assessor’s Office could delay the second installment of the Cook County Property Taxes up to six months or more, and WHEREAS, the delay in second installment Property Tax Bills may force local government bodies to either draw down their reserves or borrow money with interest, and WHEREAS, the delay could have a significant financial impact on Chicago, and our suburban municipalities, townships, school districts, fire protection districts, police departments, park districts, public libraries, and other local government bodies, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Cook County Board of Commissioners to call for a Special Finance Committee meeting to include the Assessor, Board of Review, Clerk, Treasurer and Bureau of Technology to gain a better understanding of thapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2779 1  ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROGRAM ALLOCATION FOR BUDGETED FY 2022 EQUITY AND INCLUSION SPECIAL PURPOSE FUNDS WHEREAS, in October 2021, the Cook County Board of Commissioners passed Resolution No. 21-5542 creating a special purpose fund for Equity and Inclusion (“Equity Fund”) dedicated to addressing historical disparities and disinvestment communities that are marginalized or have experienced other social and economic disparities; and WHEREAS, seeding money for equity investment in fixed charges as well as directly to the Cook County Health and Hospitals System was an important step taken by Cook County to address racial disparities and build on the Cook County Policy Roadmap commitment to advancing equitable policies and addressing systemic disparities; and WHEREAS, Cook County incorporated the initial FY 2021 $40M Equity Fund investment into the FY 2022 Budget and an additional $10M from the County’s surplus fund balance from the end of FY21 has been allocated in the County’s fixed charges for transfer into the Equity Fund; and WHEREAS, the remaining Equity Funds are bapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3108 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP. Special State's Attorney(s): Steven M. Puiszis Case Name: A.F. Moore v. Joseph Berrios, et al. Case No.(s): 18 C 4888 Time period: 06/01/2021 - 10/29/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $21,719.89 Paid to Date: $240,214.86 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: ($5,219.96 on 12/14/2021) and ($16,499.93 on 01/11/2022)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3112 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: Leinenweber Baroni & Daffada, LLC. Special State's Attorney(s): Justin L. Leinenweber Case Name: Brown v. Dart, et al. Case No.(s): 18 L 12632 Time period: 12/18/2021 - 01/14/2022 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $1,370.15 Paid to Date: $18,626.50 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 02/28/2022approvePass Action details Not available
22-3114 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: Leinenweber Baroni & Daffada, LLC. Special State's Attorney(s): Justin L. Leinenweber Case Name: Policemen’s Benevolent Labor Committee v. Dart, et al. Case No.(s): L-CA-18-037 Time period: 08/21/2021 - 12/17/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $296.00 Paid to Date: $18,780.37 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 01/11/2022approvePass Action details Not available
22-3116 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: Leinenweber Baroni & Daffado, LLC. Special State's Attorney(s): Justin L. Leinenweber Case Name: Reyes v. Dart, et al. Case No.(s): 18 L 12511 Time period: 12/18/2021 - 01/14/2022 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $6,805.61 Paid to Date: $22,615.75 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 02/28/2022approvePass Action details Not available
22-3117 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: Leinenweber, Baroni & Daffada, LLC. Special State's Attorney(s): Justin L. Leinenweber Case Name: Tate v. Dart, et al. Case No.(s): 18 CH 2749 Time period: 10/09/2021 - 11/19/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $7,837.25 Paid to Date: $162,515.39 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 12/14/2021approvePass Action details Not available
22-3118 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: Leinenweber, Baroni & Daffada, LLC. Special State's Attorney(s): Justin L. Leinenweber Case Name: Tate v. Dart, et al. Case No.(s): 18 CH 2749 Time period: 11/20/2021 - 12/17/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $10,457.25 Paid to Date: $162,515.39 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 01/11/2022approvePass Action details Not available
22-3119 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: O’Connor & Battle, LLP. Special State's Attorney(s): Kenneth M. Battle Case Name: Andersen v. City of Chicago, et al. Case No.(s): 16 C 1963 Time period: 04/22/2021 - 06/03/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $10,664.50 Paid to Date: $0.00 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 12/14/2022approvePass Action details Not available
22-3122 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: Office of the Special Prosecutor Attorney(s): Michael J. O’Rourke Case Name: Appointment of Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 91 CR 22460 Date of This Order: 03/20/2022 Time period: 07/07/2021 - 03/15/2022 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $12,866.25 Paid to Date: $7,589,064.63 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3123 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: SmithAmundsen, LLC Special State's Attorney(s): Moses Suarez Case Name: Vaughn, et al. v. Cook County, et al. Case No.(s): 20 L 10094 Time period: 07/01/2021 - 08/18/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $12,543.00 Paid to Date: $0.00 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 12/14/2021approvePass Action details Not available
22-3131 1  Special Court Case (Special States Attorneys)Firm: Breen & Pugh Special State's Attorney(s): Thomas M. Breen Case Name: People v. Michelle Papa, et al. Case No.(s): 19 AC 16201 Time period: 12/20/2019 - 03/08/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $13,523.50 Paid to Date: $0.00 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 11/02/2021approvePass Action details Not available
22-3090 1  Special Court Case (Compliance and Complaint Administrators)Compliance/Complaint Administrator: The Compliance Administrator for the Cook County Assessor Case Name: Shakman, et al. v. Cook County Assessor, et al. Case No.(s): 69 C 2145 Date of This Order: 04/07/2022 Unopposed Petition Number: 157 This Court Ordered Amount of this petition: $76,126.25 Paid to Date: $4,415,090.60approvePass Action details Not available
22-3092 1  Special Court Case (Compliance and Complaint Administrators)Compliance/Complaint Administrator: The Compliance Administrator for the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Susan G. Feibus Case Name: Shakman, et al. v. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, et al. Case No.(s): 69 C 2145 Date of This Order: 04/07/2022 Unopposed Petition Number: 38 This Court Ordered Amount of this petition: $23,604.28 Paid to Date: $23,604.28approvePass Action details Not available
22-3094 1  Special Court Case (Compliance and Complaint Administrators)Compliance/Complaint Administrator: Cardelle Spangler Case Name: Shakman, et al. v. Clerk of Cook County, et al. Case No.(s): 69 C 2145 Date of This Order: 04/19/2022 Unopposed Petition Number: 23-1 This Court Ordered Amount of this petition: $28,125.24 Paid to Date: $892,635.40approvePass Action details Not available
22-3097 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: Locke, Lord, Bissell & Liddell, LLP. Attorney(s): Roger R. Fross Case Name: Shakman, et al. v. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, et al. Case No.(s): 69 C 2145 Date of This Order: 01/25/2022 Time period: 10/01/2021 - 12/31/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $3,074.00 Paid to Date: $515,369.50 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3098 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: Locke, Lord, Bissell & Liddell, LLP. Attorney(s): Roger R. Fross Case Name: Shakman, et al. v. Cook County Assessor, et al Case No.(s): 69 C 2145 Date of This Order: 01/25/2022 Time period: 10/01/2021 - 12/31/2021 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $22,131.60 Paid to Date: $1,600,226.33 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3135 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: Winston & Strawn, LLP. Attorney(s): Dan K. Webb Case Name: Appointment Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 19 MR 00014 Date of This Order: 04/19/2022 Time period: 02/01/2022 - 03/31/2022 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $2,426.42 Paid to Date: $97,739.44 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2952 1 James August - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: James August Job Title: Assistant Team Leader Department: Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Date of Incident: 6/4/2020; 8/12/2020; 8/24/2021 Incident/Activity: On June 4, 2020, Petitioner injured his left shoulder, right wrist and hand while restraining a resident. On August 12, 2020, Petitioner injured his left knee while restraining a resident. On August 24, 2021, Petitioner injured his left elbow and left knee when she fell to the ground while trying to restrain resident. Accidental Injuries: left shoulder, right wrist and hand; left knee; left elbow and left knee Petition and Order No: 20 WC 19390; 20 WC 20941 Claim Amount: $42,232.83 Attorney: Jason M. Whiteside and Whiteside & Goldberg, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 4/5/2022 Prior/pending claims: 4/18/2016 ($9,440.25); 3/5/2017 ($53,586.70)approvePass Action details Not available
22-2953 1 Jason Earl - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Jason Earl Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 12/20/2018 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured his front teeth, right shoulder, and lower back while trying to stop an inmate from jumping off the top tier. Accidental Injuries: front teeth, right shoulder, and lower back Petition and Order No: 20 WC 23291 Claim Amount: $77,520.00 Attorney: Frederick Weiss and the Law Offices of Weiss and Weiss Date of Subcommittee Approval: 3/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: 2/21/2013 ($18,203.19)approvePass Action details Not available
22-2954 1 Jennifer Escobedo - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Jennifer Escobedo Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 4/14/2021; 7/20/2021; 11/29/2021 Incident/Activity: On April 14, 2021, Petitioner injured her facial area when an inmate spat on her. On July 20, 2021, Petitioner injured her head, neck, right eye, lower back, right knee, left hand, and psyche during an altercation with an inmate. On November 29, 2021, Petitioner injured her right arm, right leg, neck, and tailbone when she leaned against a table that collapsed, causing her to fall to the ground. Accidental Injuries: facial area; head, neck, right eye, lower back, right knee, left hand, and psyche; right arm, right leg, neck, and tailbone Petition and Order No: 21 WC 23831 Claim Amount: $37,364.20 Attorney: Al Koritsaris and the Law Offices of Argionis & Assoiciates, LLC Date of Subcommittee Approval: 4/5/2022 Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2955 1 Shenea Kirklin - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Shenea Kirklin Job Title: Probation Officer Department: Adult Probation Date of Incident: 3/1/2016 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured her right shoulder and lumbar spine when she slipped and fell on black ice in the parking lot. Accidental Injuries: right shoulder and lumbar spine Petition and Order No: 16 WC 09707 Claim Amount: $32,578.10 Attorney: Steven Seidman and Seidman Margulis & Fairman, LLP Date of Subcommittee Approval: 4/5/2022 Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2956 1 Eric Lape - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Eric Lape Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 4/18/2019; 11/3/2021 Incident/Activity: On April 18, 2019, Petitioner injured his left shoulder, left knee, right elbow, right eye, and back when a detainee struck him, causing him to fall to the ground. On November 3, 2021, Petitioner injured his right arm, neck, and left jaw during an altercation with a detainee. Accidental Injuries: left shoulder, left knee, right elbow, right eye, and back; right arm, neck, and left jaw Petition and Order No: 19 WC 24987 Claim Amount: $61,290.25 Attorney: Parag Bhosale and Gardi & Haught, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 4/5/2022 Prior/pending claims: 5/6/2014 ($21,649.80)approvePass Action details Not available
22-2957 1 Bobby Mahaffey - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Bobby Mahaffey Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 1/26/2021 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured right hand and little finger while restraining a detainee. Accidental Injuries: right hand and little finger Petition and Order No: 21 WC 04884 Claim Amount: $4,184.46 Attorney: Mitchell Peskin and Millon & Peskin, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: N/A Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2958 1 Adam Mueller - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Adam Mueller Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 2/8/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner complained of right arm after escorting a detainee to a cell. Accidental Injuries: right arm and bicep Petition and Order No: 20 WC 04121 Claim Amount: $46,575.27 Attorney: Aaron Novasic and Gardi & Haught, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 3/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2959 1 Karen Purcell - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Karen Purcell Job Title: Correctional Sergeant Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 8/11/2019 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured her left knee and left ankle while running in response to a call for all available officers. Accidental Injuries: left knee and left ankle Petition and Order No: 19 WC 37476 Claim Amount: $32,137.26 Attorney: Kitra Killen and GWC Injury Lawyers, LLC Date of Subcommittee Approval: 3/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2960 1 Andre Sneed - 5/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Andre Sneed Job Title: Laborer I Department: Highway Date of Incident: 4/29/2019 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured his right shoulder, head, neck, and lower back during a motor vehicle accident. Accidental Injuries: right shoulder, head, neck, and lower back Petition and Order No: 20 WC 15344 Claim Amount: $50,866.87 Attorney: Michael Youkhana and the Law Offices of Argionis & Assoiciates, LLC Date of Subcommittee Approval: 4/5/2022 Prior/pending claims: 12/15/2016 (pending); 6/30/2017 (pending); 3/12/2020 (pending)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3035 1 Pipelayo Akinyemi - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Pipelayo Akinyemi Job Title: Nurse Department: Ambulatory/ Community Health Network Date of Incident: 12/10/2012; 03/05/2014; 03/27/2015; 06/09/2016; 05/30/2017; 04/18/2018 Incident/Activity: On December 10, 2012, Petitioner injured her right wrist when she fell off a chair. On March 5, 2014, Petitioner injured her right knee when she fell. On March 27, 2015, Petitioner injured her back while changing a patient dressing. On June 9, 2016, Petitioner injured her back while pulling a cart. On May 30, 2017, Petitioner injured her back when reaching to open a door. On April 18, 2018, Petitioner injured her back while preventing a patient fall. Accidental Injuries: Right wrist, right knee, back Petition and Order No: 14 WC 11173; 15 WC 21236l 18 WC 03867; 18 WC 03868; 18 WC 03869; 18 WC 18136 Claim Amount: $54,000.00 Attorney: Romaker Law Firm Date of Subcommittee Approval: 04/0/2022 Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3039 1 Shronda Baldwin - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Shronda Baldwin Job Title: Youth Development Specialist Department: Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Date of Incident: 04/26/2018; 10/24/2018; 05/04/2019 Incident/Activity: On April 26, 2018, Petitioner injured her head when she was breaking up a fight between residents. On October 24, 2018, Petitioner injured her left hand, back, and neck when she fell. On May 4, 2019, Petitioner injured her head, neck, back, and left knee in an altercation with a resident. Accidental Injuries: Head, left hand, back, neck, left knee Petition and Order No: 19 WC 15975; 19 WC 15976; 19 WC 15977 Claim Amount: $41,251.50 Attorney: Muelhausen & Stefani Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3041 1 Lester Campbell - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Lester Campbell Job Title: Clerk Department: Clerk of the Circuit Court Date of Incident: 03/24/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner contracted COVID-19 in the workplace Accidental Injuries: Respiratory Petition and Order No: 20 WC 09916 Claim Amount: $8,726.50 Attorney: John S. Eliasik Date of Subcommittee Approval: n/a Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3042 1 Jamica Davis - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Jamica Davis Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Department of Corrections Date of Incident: 11/14/2013; 02/16/2015 Incident/Activity: On November 14, 2013, Petitioner injured her left knee when she fell from a chair. On February 16, 2015, Petitioner injured her bilateral knees walking downstairs. Accidental Injuries: Bilateral legs Petition and Order No: 15 WC 003896 Claim Amount: $1,000.00 Attorney: Goldstein, Bender & Romanoff Date of Subcommittee Approval: n/a Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3043 1 Cheryl Johnson - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Cheryl Johnson Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Department of Corrections Date of Incident: 03/21/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner contracted COVID-19 in the workplace. Accidental Injuries: Respiratory Petition and Order No: 20 WC 11108 Claim Amount: $8,324.60 Attorney: Akin Law Office, LLC. Date of Subcommittee Approval: n/a Prior/pending claims: 12/4/1993 ($1,000.00); 01/16/2017 ($16,661.31); 07/15/2018 ($10,000.00)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3044 1 Donald Loy - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Donald Loy Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Department of Corrections Date of Incident: 09/26/2012; 08/26/2015 Incident/Activity: On September 26, 2012, Petitioner injured his back during an inmate altercation. On August 26, 2015, Petitioner injured his bilateral shoulders and left leg during an inmate altercation. Accidental Injuries: Back, bilateral shoulders, left leg. Petition and Order No: 12 WC 37880; 17 WC 25338 Claim Amount: $68,022.39 Attorney: Krol, Bongiorno & Given Date of Subcommittee Approval: 04/05/2022 Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3046 1 Deovonta Moses - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Deovonta Moses Job Title: Youth Development Specialist Department: Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Date of Incident: 01/11/2020; 02/13/2020; 11/13/2020; 01/06/2021 Incident/Activity: On January 11, 2020, Petitioner injured his left knee, left arm, and head when attacked by a resident. On February 13, 2020, Petitioner injured his right hand while restraining a resident. On November 13, 2020, Petitioner injured his right knee and back while restraining a resident. On January 6, 2021, Petitioner injured his neck, left shoulder, and left leg while restraining a resident. Accidental Injuries: Left leg, left arm, head, right hand, right leg, back, neck, left shoulder Petition and Order No: 21 WC 024594 Claim Amount: $24,999.00 Attorney: Gardi & Haught, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: n/a Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3047 1 Vanessa Owens - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Vanessa Owens Job Title: Clerk Department: Stroger Hospital Date of Incident: 04/15/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner contracted COVID-19 in the workplace. Accidental Injuries: Respiratory Petition and Order No: 20 WC 16991 Claim Amount: $10,000.00 Attorney: Rubens, Kress & Mulholland Date of Subcommittee Approval: n/a Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3048 1 Madeline Ramos - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Madeline Ramos Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Department of Corrections Date of Incident: 04/29/2019 Incident/Activity: Petitioner suffered psychological damages when an inmate brushed her left breast. Accidental Injuries: Psychological Petition and Order No: 20 WC 003251 Claim Amount: $142,427.25 Attorney: Hetherington, Karpel & Bobber, LLC. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3049 1 Tracey Reyes - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Tracey Reyes Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Department of Corrections Date of Incident: 03/29/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner contracted COVID-19 in the workplace. Accidental Injuries: Respiratory Petition and Order No: 20 WC 13167 Claim Amount: $8,006.40 Attorney: Krol, Bongiorno & Given, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: n/a Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3050 1 Andre Rogers - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Andre Rogers Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Department of Corrections Date of Incident: 01/25/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured his right shoulder during an altercation with an inmate. Accidental Injuries: Right shoulder Petition and Order No: 20 WC 04419 Claim Amount: $54,024.00 Attorney: Argionis & Associates Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3051 1 Victor Vasquez - 05-11-2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Victor Vasquez Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Department of Corrections Date of Incident: 02/22/2018; 11/19/2021 Incident/Activity: On February 22, 2018, Petitioner injured his left arm and left wrist while restraining a detainee. On November 19, 2021, Petitioner injured his left ring finger while searching a bag of contraband. Accidental Injuries: Left arm, left hand, left ring finger Petition and Order No: 18 WC 07316 Claim Amount: $42,916.65 Attorney: Marker & Crannell, PC Date of Subcommittee Approval: 04/05/2022 Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3093 1 James Andres - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: James Andres Job Title: Carpenter Foreman Department: Facilities Management Date of Incident: 10/09/2017; 09/23/2021 Incident/Activity: On October 9, 2017, Petitioner injured his right shoulder when he slipped and fell and liquid on the floor. On September 23, 2021, Petitioner injured his lower back while removing floor tiles. Accidental Injuries: Right shoulder; Lower back Petition and Order No: 18 WC 31297 Claim Amount: $56,946.19 Attorney: Horwitz Horwitz & Associates, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: 07/19/1999 ($21,854.25)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3096 1 Kathleen Brock - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Kathleen Brock Job Title: Youth Development Specialist Department: Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Date of Incident: 01/23/2018; 09/16/2018; 07/23/2019; 09/30/2020 Incident/Activity: On January 23, 2018, Petitioner injured her lower back while separating residents. On September 16, 2018, Petitioner injured her right arm while separating residents. On July 13, 2019, Petitioner injured her right shoulder and lower back while separating residents. On September 30, 2020, Petitioner injured her right hip and lower back while separating residents. Accidental Injuries: Lower back; Right arm; Right shoulder; Right hip Petition and Order No: 18 WC 12344, 18 WC 12731; 18 WC 30214; 19 WC 23498; 20 WC 28465 Claim Amount: $64,615.20 Attorney: Saks Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 04/05/2022 Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3099 1 Roger Dickman - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Roger Dickman Job Title: Carpenter Department: Facilities Management Date of Incident: 04/26/2021 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured his neck and right shoulder while removing courtroom benches. Accidental Injuries: Neck; Right shoulder Petition and Order No: 21 WC 17206 Claim Amount: $87,173.00 Attorney: Leonard Law Group, LLC Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3101 1 John Fitzmaurice - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: John Fitzmaurice Job Title: Painter Department: Facilities Management Date of Incident: 01/29/2018 Incident/Activity: On January 29, 2018, Petitioner injured his left shoulder, left hand, and right hand lifting paint cans. Accidental Injuries: Left shoulder; Left hand, Right hand Petition and Order No: 18 WC 04989; 19 WC 01384 Claim Amount: $35,000.00 Attorney: Topper and Weiss, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 04/05/2022 Prior/pending claims: 05/31/2011 ($16,741.00)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3102 1 Shana Ford - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Shana Ford Job Title: Youth Development Specialist Department: Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Date of Incident: 08/09/2020; 09/20/2020 Incident/Activity: On August 9, 2020, Petitioner injured her left shoulder and lower back restraining residents. On September 20, 2020, Petitioner injured her lower back, left shoulder, and right leg restraining residents. Accidental Injuries: Left shoulder; Lower back; Right leg Petition and Order No: 21 WC 01222 Claim Amount: $33,925.25 Attorney: Whiteside & Goldberg, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3103 1 Massimo Grassano - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Massimo Grassano Job Title: Electrician Department: Facilities Management Date of Incident: 12/13/2018; 12/01/2020 Incident/Activity: On December 13, 2018, Petitioner injured his right wrist while drilling through concrete. On December 1, 2020, Petitioner injured his right index finger while drilling through a wall. Accidental Injuries: Right wrist; Right index finger Petition and Order No: 21 WC 05756; 21 WC 05755 Claim Amount: $33,600.00 Attorney: Ankin Law Office, LLC Date of Subcommittee Approval: 04/05/2022 Prior/pending claims: 04/05/2016 ($8,828.52)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3104 1 Antione Greer - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Antione Greer Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 09/09/2020; 09/23/2020 Incident/Activity: On September 9, 2020, Petitioner injured his right hand in an altercation with a detainee. On September 23, 2020, Petitioner injured his right leg and groin while chasing a detainee. Accidental Injuries: Right hand; Right leg and groin Petition and Order No: 20 WC 23318 Claim Amount: $45,044.15 Attorney: Gordon & Centracchio, LLC Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/22 Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3105 1 Glenda Jacobs - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Glenda Jacobs Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 02/29/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured her right shoulder and lower back after she tripped and fell into a metal cabinet. Accidental Injuries: Right shoulder; Lower back Petition and Order No: 20 WC 18737 Claim Amount: $32,500.00 Attorney: Vrdolyak Law Group Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: 02/14/2007 ($24,233.39); 06/26/2011, 06/21/2012 ($17,413.88); 03/04/2014 ($27,819.99)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3106 1 Jauntanne Mayes - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Jauntanne Mayes Job Title: Youth Development Specialist Department: Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Date of Incident: 09/09/2019; 03/08/2020; 09/04/2020; 06/02/2021; 07/26/2021 Incident/Activity: On September 9, 2019, Petitioner injured her head and neck while restraining residents. On March 8, 2020, Petitioner injured her left finger and lower back while restraining residents. On September 4, 2020, Petitioner injured her lower back while restraining residents. On June 2, 2021, Petitioner injured her right shoulder and right arm when the elevator doors slammed shut on her. On July 26, 2021, Petitioner injured her left arm while restraining residents. Accidental Injuries: Head; Neck; Left finger; Lower back; Right shoulder; Right arm; Left arm Petition and Order No: 21 WC 01586; 21 WC 01585 Claim Amount: $45,663.90 Attorney: Whiteside & Goldberg, Ltd. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: 08/14/2021 (N/A)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3136 1 Erick Bucio - 05/09/2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Erick Bucio Job Title: Correctional Officer Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 09/22/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured his left shoulder, left arm and chest while performing training exercises. Accidental Injuries: Left shoulder, left arm and chest Petition and Order No: 21 WC 1275 Claim Amount: $52,293.13 Attorney: Burnes and Libman Date of Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3137 1 Leon Norwood - 05/09/2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Leon Norwood (deceased) Shirley Norwood administrator Job Title: Engineering Assistant Department: Highway Date of Incident: 09/06/2016 Incident/Activity: Petitioner fell while walking on uneven surface Accidental Injuries: Right leg, Back Petition and Order No: 16 WC 34992 Claim Amount: $77,518.00 Attorney: Vrdolyak Law Group Date of Subcommittee Approval: 02/08/2022 Prior/pending claims: 06/04/1997 ($1.00); 12/01/2008 ($10,952.00)approvePass Action details Not available
22-3138 1 Kesha Marion - 05/09/2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Kesha Marion Job Title: Administrative Assistant I Department: Sheriff Date of Incident: 11/01/2017 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured her left knee when she fell on misplaced office equipment. Accidental Injuries: Left leg Petition and Order No: 18WC192 Claim Amount: $38,137.00 Attorney: Parente and Norem P.C. Date of Subcommittee Approval: 02/08/2022 Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3139 1 Petra Gumbel-Pritchett - 05/09/2022Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Petra Gumbel-Pritchett Job Title: Correctional Sergeant Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 03/13/2021 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured her right knee and right ankle while stepping on broken tile in shift commander’s office Accidental Injuries: Right leg Petition and Order No: 21WC10585 Claim Amount: $17,469.47 Attorney: Burnes and Libman Date of Subcommittee Approval: n/a Prior/pending claims: n/aapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3142 1 Daniel Ribaldo - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Daniel Ribaldo Job Title: Correctional Sergeant Department: Corrections Date of Incident: 12/19/2019 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured his left knee during a use of force altercation with a detainee. Accidental Injuries: Left knee Petition and Order No: 20 WC 001800 Claim Amount: $19,787.71 Attorney: Law Offices of Timothy N. Henderson Date of Subcommittee Approval: N/A Prior/pending claims: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
22-3143 1 Deada Wright - 05/11/22Workers' Compensation ClaimsEmployee: Deada Wright Job Title: Licensed Practice Nurse II Department: Cermak Health Services Date of Incident: 08/29/2020 Incident/Activity: Petitioner injured her back, left hand, left leg, right leg, and right foot when she tripped while getting off an elevator. Accidental Injuries: Back, Left hand, Left leg, Right leg, Right foot Petition and Order No: 20 WC 24351 Claim Amount: $10,985.32 Attorney: Briskman Briskman & Greenberg Date of Subcommittee Approval: N/A Prior/pending claims: 05/31/2017 ($5,552.77)approvePass Action details Not available
22-2974 1  Proposed Settlements (Municipal Litigation)Case: Medina v. CCSAO Case No: 2019 CH 09070 Settlement Amount: $27,500.00 Department: 1250 - State’s Attorney Payable to: Loevy & Loevy Attorneys at Law Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a FOIA violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2417 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Cochrane, James v. Dart et al. Case No: 20 C 0690 & 20 C 6496 Settlement Amount: $3,500.00 Department: 1239-Department of Corrections Payable to: Dolan Law Offices, PC & James Gordon Cochrane Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2560 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Lamon Weathers v Colon, et al. Case No: 19 C 5729 Settlement Amount: $7,500.00 Department: 4240-Cermak Health Services Payable to: Sidley Austin LLP Client Trust Account c/o Lamon Weathers Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violation.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2852 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Spillers v. Vanco Case No: 21 C 1877 Settlement Amount: $5,000.00 Department: 1239-Department of Corrections Payable to: Alfred Spillers Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2864 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Smith, Vincent v. Davis et al. Case No: 19 C 6738 Settlement Amount: $2,500.00 Department: 1239 - Department of Corrections Payable to: Vincent Smith Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2869 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Jackson v. Preto et al. Case No: 21 C 2701 Settlement Amount: $4,000.00 Department: 1239-Department of Corrections Payable to: Gregory E. Kulis & Associates and Reginald Jackson Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil right violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2889 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Overall, Wayne v. Walsh Case No: 19 C 8238 Settlement Amount: $750.00 Department: 1239 - Department of Corrections Payable to: Wayne Overall Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2894 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Aguirre, Antonio v County Case No: 19 C 130 Settlement Amount: $12,500.00 Department: 4240-Cermak Health Services Payable to: Thomas G. Morrissey, Ltd. and Antonio Aguirre Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violation.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2903 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Wilson v. Gunnishing et al. Case No: 19 C 6742 Settlement Amount: $4,000.00 Department: 1239-Department of Corrections Payable to: Earl Wilson Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil right violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2965 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Hernandez, Jamie v. Duharkic, et al. Case No: 20 C 4837 Settlement Amount: $4,000.00 Department: 1239 - Department of Corrections Payable to: Jamie Hernandez Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2977 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Prince, Orlando v Dart et al. Case No: 18 C 3743 & 19 C 5897 Settlement Amount: $16,000.00 Department: 1239-Department of Corrections Payable to: Orlando E. Prince Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violation.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2978 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Walker, Laurence v. Scaccianoce, et al. Case No: 18 C 5240 Settlement Amount: $5,000.00 Department: 1239 - Department of Corrections Payable to: Laurence Walker Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2985 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Hampton, Marcus v Cook County et al. Case No: 18 C 6346 Settlement Amount: $250,000.00 Department: 1231-Police Department Payable to: Marcus Hampton Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 06/22/2021 Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violation.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2912 1  Proposed Settlements (Complex Litigation)Case: Hill, Ezra v. City of Harvey, et al. Case No: 17 C 4699 Settlement Amount: $250,000.00 Department: 1250-State’s Attorney Payable to: Ezra Hill and Vitale, Vickrey, Niro, Solon & Gasey LLP Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Subject matter: an allegation of civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2951 1  Proposed Settlements (Complex Litigation)Case: Cummings Jr., Andre v. Thomas Dart, et al Case No: 20 C 3753 Settlement Amount: $1,300,000.00 Department: 1210 - Office of the Sheriff Payable to: Andre Cummings Jr. and The Blake Horwitz Law Firm, Ltd. Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 03/15/2022 Subject matter: Alleged violation of civil rights.approvePass Action details Not available
22-2949 1  ReportREPORT Department: Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County Report Title: Report of Legal and Expert Witness Fees and Expenses Processed for Payment Report Period: April 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022 Summary: This report includes court orders for the payment of fees and associated expenses to attorneys and experts for legal services provided on behalf of indigent litigants. The orders have been processed by the Office of the Chief Judge and submitted to the Cook County Comptroller’s Office for payment during the periodreceive and filePass Action details Not available
22-3134 1  ReportREPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Receive and File Patient Arrestees Report Period: Month Ending March 31,2022. Summary: The Department of Risk Management is submitting for your information Patient Arrestees Claims the month ending March 31, 2022. Payments total: $16,823.33receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2143 1  ReportREPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Receive and File - Self Insurance Claims Report Period: Month Ending March 31, 2022 Summary: The Department of Risk Management is submitting for your information Self Insurance Claims for the month ending March 31, 2022. Payments total: $32,600.22receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2777 1  ReportREPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Receive and File - Subrogation Claim Recoveries Report Period: Month ending April 30, 2022 Summary: Submitting for your information a summary of Claim Recoveries for the month ending April 30, 2022 Total Recoveries: $15,250.12- Number of Recoveries: 3receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-3184 1 Receive and File - Workers’ Compensation Claim Payments – March 2022Workers' Compensation Claims (Risk Management)REPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Receive and File - Workers’ Compensation Claim Payments Report Period: 3/1/2022 - 3/31/2022 Summary: The Department of Risk Management is submitting for your information Workers’ Compensation Claim Payments for the month ending March 2022. Payments total 1,606,310.53receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2989 1 Analysis of Revenues and Expenses as of 3/31/2022ReportAnalysis of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending 3/31/2022receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-3217 1  ReportREPORT Department: CCH Report Title: CCH Monthly Report Report Period: May 2022 Summary: This report is provided in accordance with Resolution 14-4311 approved by the County Board on 7/23/14 receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2948 1  Payment ApprovalPROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL Department(s): Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County Action: Approval of Court-Ordered Payment Payee: Center for Conflict Resolution, Chicago, Illinois Good(s) or Service(s): Dispute resolution services Fiscal Impact: $131,867.16 Accounts: 11322.1310.10155.520830 (Professional Services) Contract Number(s): N/A Summary: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS SPECIAL ORDER NO. 2022-14 SUBJECT: DISPUTE RESOLUTION FUND, DISBURSEMENT The circuit clerk having collected dispute resolution fees during the year 2021, pursuant to the Illinois Not-For-Profit Dispute Resolution Center Act, 710 ILCS 20/1, et seq., and Cook County Cir. Ct. G.O. No. 19.2 (eff. March 9, 1989); The circuit clerk having deposited said fees into the dispute resolution fund; The amount of the dispute resolution fees collected by the circuit clerk in the year 2021 and available for funding having totaled $131,867.16; The Center for Conflict Resolution, 11 E. Adams St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60603, (Center)approvePass Action details Not available
22-2788 1 REQUESTING A HEARING IN THE COOK COUNTY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS VIOLENCE AND SYSTEMIC BARRIERS AGAINST COOK COUNTY TRANSGENDER RESIDENTSResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION REQUESTING A HEARING IN THE COOK COUNTY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS VIOLENCE AND SYSTEMIC BARRIERS AGAINST COOK COUNTY TRANSGENDER RESIDENTS WHEREAS, transgender residents in Cook County are vital members of our communities; and WHEREAS, transgender residents and trans-led organizations in Cook County contribute in numerous ways to enrich the quality of life in Cook County; and WHEREAS, transgender people in our lives should be embraced and celebrated for the wonderful people they are and talents they bring to our communities; and WHEREAS, these residents face systemic barriers and epidemic levels of violence leading to lack of access, for some, of basic needs and in the most extreme cases, leading to death; and WHEREAS, in the last year, more transgender people have been murdered in Chicago than any other U.S. city; and WHEREAS, in March 2022 alone, two Black, trans women, Tatiana LaBelle and Elisa Malary, were found dead within 24 hours of each other days after being reported missing with LaBelle found beaten to death and put inapprovePass Action details Not available
22-1913 1 ADOPTION AND FAMILY SUPPORTIVE SERVICESOrdinance AmendmentSubstitute to Item #: 22-1913 Sponsored by President Toni Preckwinkle and Commissioner Larry Suffredin BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that COOK COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 38 - HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ARTICLE VIII. ADOPTION AND FAMILY SERVICES is repealed in its entirety and the following is substituted in its place: ARTICLE VIII. FAMILY SUPPORTIVE SERVICES Sec. 38-170. Establishment. Family Supportive Services is an operating unit within the Office of the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Sec. 38-171. Powers and duties. Family Supportive Services provides the following services: (a) Upon the direction and order of a judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Family Supportive Services conducts a home and social investigation, and issues a report to the judge who ordered said investigation for the following matters: (1) Adoptions (2) Allocation of parental responsibility or parenting time (3) Probate cases involving guardianship and/or custody of a child (b) Fingerprinting processing for required criminal background checks (c) Post approve as substitutedPass Action details Not available
22-2483 1 FLAG DESIGNSResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CELEBRATING THE SELECTION OF THE FINAL FLAG DESIGNS TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AS A NEW FLAG FOR COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, the Cook County flag is the official banner of Cook County, Illinois, the second-largest county in the United States with a population of over 5.2 million people; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 1961, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved the current County flag by Resolution, designed by four County employees and the County Treasurer and submitted by then-President Daniel Ryan; and WHEREAS, in December 2019, it was determined by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that in celebration of the County’s bicentennial anniversary a new flag would be created to be representative of the rich culture and diversity of the residents, geography, and history of Cook County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners invited all high school aged students in grades 9 through 12 to submit flag designs for consideration using colors, symbols, shapes and patterns to represent the following aspects of Cook County, includinapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2797 1 Affordable Housing Special Assessment Program Application FeeOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION FEE WHEREAS, Cook County is a home rule unit of local government pursuant to Article VII, Section 6(a) of the 1970 Illinois Constitution, and as such may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners recognizes that the Illinois legislature, pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/15-178, granted the Cook County Assessor’s Office authority to charge a reasonable application fee for the Affordable Housing Special Assessment Program; and WHEREAS, there currently exists a Fee Schedule granting authority to the Assessor’s Office to charge certain fees for administrative expenses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, Chapter 74, TAXATION, Article II, REAL PROPERTY TAXATION, DIVISION 1. - GENERALLY, Assessor's fee for copy of Commercial/Industrial Manual, Sec. 74-35 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows: Sec. 74-35. Assessor’s fee fapprovePass Action details Not available
22-2323 1 Fair Transit South Cook Report for January 2021 to January 2022ReportREPORT Department: Transportation and Highways Report Title: Fair Transit South Cook Report Period: January 2021 to January 2022 Action: Refer to Transportation Committee Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Report: Fair Transit, to be referred to the Transportation Committee for further discussion and a presentation. The Fair Transit South Cook is an innovative three-year pilot program that launched in January 2021 and is spearheaded by the Department. In partnership with Metra and Pace, the program reduced fares by approximately 50% on the Metra Electric (ME) and Rock Island (RI) lines as well as increasing service on Pace Route 352 Halsted by 25% and adding trains on the ME and RI. The Department has completed a first-year report for the program and would like to present on the findings at the Transportation Committee. A particular focus of the committee’s discussion will be on the next phase of the pilot program to implement seamless transfers across transit agencies.receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-3261 1 Cook County COVID 19 Financial Response ReportReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Finance Office of the Chief Financial Officer Report Title: Cook County Covid 19 Financial Response Report Report Period: March 1, 2020 - April 22, 2022 Summary: This report details information regarding expenditures related to Cook County Board Report of COVID 19 Federal Funding Awards (CARES, FEMA, ERA and ARPA) for the period covering March 1, 2020 through April 22, 2022receive and filePass Action details Not available
22-2963 1 Civic Initiatives, Austin, TexasContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, Office of Contract Compliance Vendor: Civic Initiatives, Austin, Texas Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Procurement Acquisition & Support Services Original Contract Period: 8/1/2021-7/31/2022 with two (2) one-year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 8/1/2022-6/5/2023 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $405,560.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 7/29/2021, $405,560.00 Increase Requested: $1,850,000.00 ($1,100,000.00- OCPO, $750,000.00 OCC) Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: OCPO: FY 2022 $400,000.00, FY 2023 $700,000.00 approvePass Action details Not available
22-3188 1 Robert BurkeResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION Robert Burke 6b UNINCORPORATED COOK RENEWAL PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b renewal application containing the following information: Applicant: Robert Burke Address: 5852 W. 51st Street, Chicago, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Unincorporated Township Stickney Cook County District: 11th 16th District Permanent Index Number: 19-08-202-025-0000 and 19-08-202-053-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Unincorporated Cook Use of property: Industrial use - warehousing and distribution WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated or abandoned commercial property; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for a Class 6b assessment defines abandoned property as " property where the buildings and other structures, or portions thereof, havereferPass Action details Not available
22-3179 1 Faithful & Gould / Gilbane JV, Chicago, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy Vendor: Faithful & Gould / Gilbane JV, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Management (CM) Services for Public Health CIP Portfolio Original Contract Period: 11/22/2016 - 11/21/2019, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Extension and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Extension period 5/22/2022 - 11/21/2022 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $27,657,057.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 11/16/2016, $11,211,949.00 Increase Requested: $2,806,199.00 Previous Board Increase(s): 5/23/2019, $2,542,582.00; 11/21/2019, $5,686,368.00; 2/25/2021, $5,408,359.00; 11/04/2021, $2,807,799.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: 11/21/2019, 11/22/2019 - 11/21/2020; 2/25/2021, 2/1/2021-11/21/2021 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 12/23/2020, 11/22approvePass Action details Not available
22-2917 1 Tyler Amendment 2022Contract Amendment (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: Tyler Technologies, Inc., Moraine, Ohio Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Integrated Property Tax and Mass Appraisal System Implementation and Software Original Contract Period: 9/30/2015 - 3/31/2023 with three (3), three (3) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Renewal 4/1/2023-3/31/2026 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $30,066,181.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 9/9/2015, $29,951,735.00 Increase Requested: $8,417,920.00 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 4/5/2018, $114,446.00 Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2023 $1,871,271.00, FY 202024 $1,971,271.00, FY 2025 $1referPass Action details Not available
22-1550 1 SKU Corporation, Chicago, IllinoisContract (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Cook County Clerk Vendor: SKU Corporation, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract Good(s) or Service(s): Voter Registration Management System (VRMS) Contract Value: $1,050,000.00 Contract period: 6/16/2022 - 6/15/2025 with three (3) one-year renewal options Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2022 $350,000.00 FY 2023 $350,000.00 FY 2024 $350,000.00 Accounts: 11306.1110.35165.520840 Contract Number(s): 2205-01266 Concurrence(s): The contract-specific goal was set on this contract was zero. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. The Chief Information Officer has reviewed this item and concurs with this recommendation. Summary: The County Clerk Office requests authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter and execute a contract with SKU Corporation, Inc. for a Voter Registration Management System. This contract will facilitate the election process and tailored to meet the specific workflow and intricacies uniqapprovePass Action details Not available
22-1112 1 Aeon Nexus Corporation, Albany, NYContract (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Cook County State