WHEREAS, Sean Howard is President & CEO of Howard & Associates Public Relations Firm. He has served as Spokesman for countless individuals, villages, municipalities, and counties for more than 25 years; and
WHEREAS, Having gained national prominence, Howard is the calm, trusted, familiar, and distinctive voice heard over radio waves, television, and throughout the internet. Using skillful communication, he addresses some of the most challenging civic, social, and communal issues with tact and ease; and
WHEREAS, Additionally, he is the conduit for and among citizens, advocacy groups, and policymakers. As a philanthropist, he has contributed countless hours, resources, and finances to tackle and address issues including poverty, violence, and natural disasters; and
WHEREAS, Sean has several notable philanthropic achievements. He managed successful political campaigns throughout Cook County and helped establish legislation to address illegal adoption practices; and
WHEREAS, He has delivered thousands of gallons of drinking water to Haiti, and the cities of Dallas, Houston, and Memphis. Sean Howard established racial injustice &; police brutality protests, alongside organizing efforts to assist families of gun violence victims. With a heart of gold, he also funds annual Christmas sprees for underprivileged families.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Deborah Sims, Cook County Commissioner of the 5th District, along with Toni Preckwinkle, President, and the Cook County Board of Commissioners do hereby stand, and salute the wonderful career of Sean Howard; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this Resolution be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body and that an official copy of the same be tendered to Sean Howard.