WHEREAS, pursuant to its desire to alleviate conditions of poverty in Cook County, in 1966 the Cook County Board of Commissioners concurred in the incorporation and functioning of the Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity under the Illinois Not-for-Profit Corporation Act; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners authorized the Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity to function as the "Community Action Agency" for suburban Cook County pursuant to the Federal Economic Opportunity Act; and
WHEREAS, thereafter the Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity was reorganized and named the Community and Economic Development Association of Cook County, Inc. ("CEDA"); and
WHEREAS, CEDA's mission is to work in partnership with communities to empower families and individuals to achieve self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life; and
WHEREAS, CEDA is one of the largest non-profit Community Action Agencies serving more than 500,000 Cook County residents annually by offering assistance in the areas of children and family services; community and economic development; education; emergency assistance; employment and training; energy conservation and services; health and nutrition; housing and senior services; and
WHEREAS, CEDA remains an approved Community Action Agency whose Board of Directors consist of representatives from the public sector, community sector and private sector; and
WHEREAS, Cook County is one of the public sector representatives making up CEDA's Board of Directors and Martha Martinez, Chief of the Bureau of Administration serves on the CEDA Board of Directors as the representative member for the Cook County Board; and
WHEREAS, over the last year CEDA has faced several challenges and as a result of operational and financial challenges, CEDA's Board of Directors has been engaging in significant efforts to improve operations, engage new management, determine how to streamline operations, increase efficiency and reduce costs though collaboration and cooperation from its various public, private and community partners; and
WHEREAS, Cook County continues to support the mission of CEDA and stands firmly committed to community and economic development and enhancing the life for all residents; and
WHEREAS, in the spirit of collaboration and cooperation and as a public sector partner, the Cook County Board President has asked that various Cook County Departments provide advice and consultation to the new CEDA management and the CEDA Board of Directors in an effort to help CEDA determine cost efficiencies, streamline operations, consolidate and improve its operations; and
WHEREAS, hundreds of thousands of Cook County residents depend on CEDA's services and Cook County remains committed to collaborate with CEDA in an effort to improve CEDA's services and recommend operational savings.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board President and Board of Commissioners hereby acknowledge and support the various efforts undertaken by County Departments, including the Bureau of Administration, Industrial Engineers, Salvage Division, and Information Technology to collaborate with CEDA over the last few months and provide consultation and recommendations on various methods to achieve cost savings and operational efficiencies; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President or her designee is hereby authorized to continue to coordinate opportunities for the County through its various Departments to collaborate with, consult and assist CEDA while CEDA attempts to continue to streamline its operations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President or her designee shall provide the Members of the Board of Commissioners within six months correspondence summarizing the County's assistance provided as well as any recommendations regarding Cook County's role as a public sector partner; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Illinois Economic Opportunity Act, (20 ILCS 625, et al.) Cook County encourages CEDA to continue to join with and encourage business, labor and other private groups and organizations to undertake, together with public agencies, activities supporting CEDA's community action programs in order to maintain the various services provided to the residents of Cook County.end