BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter Chapter 2 Administration, Sec. 2-102 and Sec. 2-109 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 2-71. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in Article III, County Board of the Cook County Code, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section.
Board or County Board means the Cook County Board of Commissioners.
Clerk means the Clerk of the County Board, appointed by the County Clerk.
Commissioner means any duly elected or duly appointed Cook County Board Commissioner, and means the same as "member" of the Board.
Commission means any commission, task force, advisory committee authorized by the Cook County Board pursuant to Section 2-112 to address an issue of concern to the County relevant to a Standing Committee, but shall not include the Human Rights Commission, the Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Justice Advisory Council, Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Advisory Board, or other Commissions that are authorized to be permanent in nature.
Committee means a committee of the Board and includes a standing committee, a special committee, joint committee, and a standing or special subcommittee of a committee.
Committee of the whole means a committee comprised of all Commissioners as required by this division.
Joint Committee means the combinations of any standing committee and/or subcommittee as defined in Sec. 2-109(i).
Majority means a simple majority of those Commissioners present and entitled to vote on a question.
Majority of those elected means a majority of the total number of Commissioners entitled by law to be elected to the Board, irrespective of the number of elected or appointed Commissioners actually serving in office. So long as 17 Commissioners are entitled ...
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