File #: 21-1273    Version: Name: Cook County Board Joint Committee Meetings
Type: Ordinance Amendment Status: Approved
File created: 1/27/2021 In control: Rules and Administration Committee
On agenda: 1/28/2021 Final action: 4/15/2021
Title: PROPOSED SUBSTITUTE TO FILE 21-1273 PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT COOK COUNTY BOARD JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter Chapter 2 Administration, Sec. 2-102 and Sec. 2-109 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows: Sec. 2-71. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in Article III, County Board of the Cook County Code, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section. Board or County Board means the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Clerk means the Clerk of the County Board, appointed by the County Clerk. Commissioner means any duly elected or duly appointed Cook County Board Commissioner, and means the same as "member" of the Board. Commission means any commission, task force, advisory committee authorized by the Cook County Board pursuant to Section 2-112 to address an issue of concern to the County relevant to a Standing Committee, but shall not include ...








BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter Chapter 2 Administration, Sec. 2-102 and Sec. 2-109 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:


Sec. 2-71. Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in Article III, County Board of the Cook County Code, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section.

Board or County Board means the Cook County Board of Commissioners.

Clerk means the Clerk of the County Board, appointed by the County Clerk.

Commissioner means any duly elected or duly appointed Cook County Board Commissioner, and means the same as "member" of the Board.

Commission means any commission, task force, advisory committee authorized by the Cook County Board pursuant to Section 2-112 to address an issue of concern to the County relevant to a Standing Committee, but shall not include the Human Rights Commission, the Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Justice Advisory Council, Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Advisory Board, or other Commissions that are authorized to be permanent in nature.

Committee means a committee of the Board and includes a standing committee, a special committee, joint committee, and a standing or special subcommittee of a committee.

Committee of the whole means a committee comprised of all Commissioners as required by this division.

Joint Committee means the combinations of any standing committee and/or subcommittee as defined in Sec. 2-109(i). 

Majority means a simple majority of those Commissioners present and entitled to vote on a question.

Majority of those elected means a majority of the total number of Commissioners entitled by law to be elected to the Board, irrespective of the number of elected or appointed Commissioners actually serving in office. So long as 17 Commissioners are entitled to be elected to the Board, a vote of a "majority of those elected" shall mean nine affirmative votes.

Majority votes. Except as otherwise provided in these rules, and except for questions for which a higher majority is required by law, all questions shall be determined by a majority vote of those Commissioners entitled to vote. A vote of "present" shall not be counted in determining the number of Commissioners voting on a question.

President means the President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners.

Quorum means a majority of those elected (nine Commissioners when board is comprised of 17 members) shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Board or a meeting of a committee of the whole. A majority of Commissioners appointed to any committee, other than a committee of the whole, shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of such committee or subcommittee.

Secretary means the Secretary to the Board, duly appointed by the President.

Standing Committee means the standing committees provided in Subsection 2-109(i).

Term means the four-year term of office established by State law for the President and the Commissioners.


Sec. 2-102. Interpretation, force and effect.

(a)                     Applicability. The meetings and actions of the Board, including all of its committees, shall be governed by this division.

(b)                     Effect of State law. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this division, this division supersedes all provisions of Illinois statute to the extent of any conflict or inconsistency, except for statutes that, by their terms, specifically limit home rule units pursuant to Article VII, Section 6(g) or 6(h) of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois.

(c)                     Effective date. This division shall be in full force and effect upon adoption, and shall remain in full force and effect except as amended in accordance herewith, or until superseded by new rules adopted as part of the organization of a newly constituted Board at the commencement of a term.

(d)                     Interpretation. This division shall be interpreted and applied to foster the goals and purposes set forth in Section 2-101. This division is to be construed in accordance with the customary American usage and meaning of parliamentary terms and expressions and the plain meaning of the ordinary words appearing herein. In case of ambiguous application, this division shall be applied in a manner that fosters openness, accountability and fairness in the operation of the Board.

(e)                     Adoption of rules. At the commencement of a term, the Board may adopt new rules of organization and procedure by ordinance setting forth such rules in their entirety and repealing these rules. Such ordinance must be adopted by a majority of those elected. Rules so adopted shall supersede these rules.

(f)                     Rules for committee meetings. The rules of procedure for all committee, subcommittee and special committee meetings shall be the same as for Board meetings, except that committees composed of less than the entire Board shall require only a majority of the committee members for a quorum.

(g)                     Amendment or suspension of rules. Any provision of this division may be temporarily suspended by majority vote, upon motion of any Commissioner specifying the rule to be suspended.

(h)                     Remote meetings. All public meetings of the Board and its committees, joint committees, and subcommittees may be conducted by means of electronic, video, audio, or telephonic connection ("remote meeting") for the duration of the Illinois Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation, including any extensions thereto, related to COVID-19 or a public health crisis. A member who desires to attend and participate in a remote public meeting shall do so by the designated electronic means. For purposes of conducting a remote meeting, the terms "written", "in writing", "document" and "copy" in these rules includes printed or electronic means, and a rule that requires an instrument to be handed to another member or the meeting Chair may be accomplished by electronic transmission.


Sec. 2-103. Quorum required for meetings of the Board, its Committees, Joint Committees, and Subcommittees.

(a)                     A quorum must be present at any meeting of the Board, its committees, joint committees, or subcommittees to conduct business except for those circumstances detailed in this subsection.

(b)                     Should a quorum not be present at any meeting of the Board, the meeting shall stand in recess until a quorum shall attend. The Commissioners present shall be competent to adjourn, receive public testimony but take no formal action and/or recess the meeting to a date certain.

(c)                     Should a quorum not be present at a committee, joint committee, or subcommittee meeting of the Board, the Commissioners present shall be competent to adjourn, receive public testimony but take no formal action and/or recess the meeting to a date certain.

(d)                     Any joint committee consisting of any standing committee, pursuant to Section 2-109(i), which is not a committee of the whole, shall require a quorum of members from each committee comprising the joint committee, in order for the joint committee to take action on items referred to the joint committee. If a Commissioner(s) belongs to two or more comprising committees and/or subcommittees, the Joint Committee shall count the Commissioner towards the quorum of each committee he or she belongs, which comprises the joint committee.

(e)                     If the joint committee includes a standing committee, pursuant to Section 2-109(i), which is a committee of the whole, the committee will require quorum of members for the committee as a whole in order to take action on items referred to the joint committee.


Sec. 2-104. Majority vote to determine questions at meetings of the Board, its Committees, Joint Committees, and Subcommittees.

Except as otherwise provided in these rules, and except for questions for which a higher majority is required by law, all questions shall be determined by a majority vote of those Commissioners entitled to vote. A vote of "present" shall not be counted in determining the number of Commissioners voting on a question.


Sec. 2-105. Prior notice to public for meetings of the Board, its Committees, Joint Committees, and Subcommittees.

(a)                     Minimum time requirement for notice of meeting. No less than four business days before any meeting, not including Special Board or Emergency meetings, notice and an agenda for such meeting shall be provided by the Clerk for meetings of the Board or the Secretary for meetings of a Committee or Subcommittee.

(b)                     Minimum time requirement for new items. Additional ("New") items added to a previously issued agenda must be posted at least 48 hours in advance for the Board, committee, joint committee, or subcommittee to take final action on the matter. New items posted with less than 48 hours' notice must be withdrawn, deferred, or referred to committee.

(c)                     Distribution of notice and agendas of the meeting. The Clerk or Secretary as required shall distribute to the President, all Commissioners and all news media that have requested notice of meetings, shall be post in the Office of the County Clerk and at the location where the meeting is to be held and shall be made available to the public in the office of the Secretary. In addition, notices and agendas of all meetings shall be posted on a County owned website.


Sec. 2-106. Public Testimony at meetings of the Board, its Committees, Joint Committees, and Subcommittees.

The Board encourages public participation in the legislative process. The following rules shall apply at any meeting of the Board and its committees at which public comment or testimony is taken:

(a)                     Public testimony at all meetings. Subject to the provisions herein, public testimony will be permitted at all meetings of the Board, its committees, joint committees, and subcommittees. Any member of the general public may address the Board or any of its committees at any remote meeting required to be open to the public under the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1, et seq.) in writing, or orally from a remote location by means of electronic, video, audio, or telephonic connection if permitted in the meeting notice.

(b)                     Authorization to speak. Authorization as a public speaker or to provide written testimony to be read into the record of a meeting of the Board, its committees, joint committees, and subcommittees shall be granted to those individuals who have submitted in writing, their name, municipality of residence, subject matter, and organization (if any) to the Secretary.

(c)                     Public comment period. Duly authorized public speakers shall be called upon to deliver testimony at a time specified in the meeting agenda, or at the discretion of the chair, but prior to final action by the meeting body as is practicable. For remote meetings, the public comment period may be limited to written testimony which will be read into the record.

(d)                     Germane subject matter encouraged. Public testimony should be germane to a specific item(s) on the meeting agenda. To preserve order and decorum and in the interest of efficiency, the presiding officer may impose subject matter limits on public comment or testimony.

(e)                     Time limit for public speakers. Written public testimony or oral testimony will be limited to three minutes. The Secretary will keep track of the time and advise when the time for public testimony has expired. Responses to inquiries of the public speaker by the presiding officer or members shall not count towards any time limit. With leave, the presiding officer or members may extend a public speaker's time as desired.

(f)                     Prohibited behavior for public speakers. Public speaker or written testimony shall not include the use vulgar, abusive or otherwise inappropriate language when addressing the Board; failure to act appropriately; failure to speak to an item that is germane to the meeting, or failure to adhere to the time requirements may result in expulsion from the meeting and/or disqualify the person from providing future testimony.

(g)                     Disruptions of meetings prohibited. Disruptions of meetings are prohibited. Disruptions include, but are not limited to:

(1)                     Speech or testimony by an individual after expiration of the time allotted for the speaker's public comment or testimony;

(2)                     Speech or testimony by an individual that is not germane to a specific item or items on the meeting agenda;

(3)                     Speech or testimony by an individual who has not been recognized by the presiding officer for public comment or testimony, who is speaking in a volume louder than a low, conversational level appropriate for communication between persons seated next to each other in the chamber, or whose speech is audible by others;

(4)                     Holding or placing a banner or sign during a meeting in a way that may endanger other individuals or that obstructs the free passage or view of others attending or viewing the meeting;

(5)                     Verbal comments and testimony must be conducted in respectful speech with no personal attacks;

(6)                     If an individual engages in disruption of the meeting, including, but not limited to, any of the actions described above, the presiding officer may: rule the individual out of order, direct the individual to cease the activity and impose other reasonable conditions for the individual's continued presence at the meeting. If the individual does not immediately comply with the presiding officer's order, the presiding officer may direct the removal of the individual from the meeting. Unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer, any individual ordered to be removed from a meeting is excluded from returning to that meeting, unless the decision of the presiding officer is overruled by a majority vote of those members in attendance. Any two members may place before the body the question of whether to permit the individual to return to the same meeting;

(7)                     If an individual is removed either from two or more committee meetings within a 15-day period or from two or more consecutive meetings of the Board, the Board President or Committee Chairperson may exclude the individual from participation in public comment or testimony periods at future Board or committee meetings:

a.                     The Board President or Committee Chairperson shall notify the individual in writing of the type of exclusion, the specific reasons for the exclusion and the specific terms and length of the exclusion.

b.                     The notice of exclusion shall advise that the individual may submit written comments to the Clerk for distribution to the Board members at future public comment or testimony periods.

c.                     The notice of exclusion shall be filed with the Clerk, who shall post it on the door to the Board chambers and on the Board's web page, provide a copy of the notice to Board members and mail the notice to the individual's last known address, if any. The notice is effective when posted. The exclusion order shall remain posted on the door to the chambers for the duration of the exclusion period.

(8)                     In determining the scope and length of an individual's exclusion, the Board President or Committee Chairperson may consider the seriousness of the disruptions to the orderly conduct of the meeting, the number of disruptions in which the individual participated and other reasons deemed relevant by the President or Committee Chairperson.

a.                     The Board President or Committee Chairperson may issue an exclusion from future participation in public comment or testimony periods for up to 28 calendar days.

b.                     At the next regular meeting of the Board, following the filing and posting of the exclusion notice, the exclusion order may be overruled or modified by a majority vote of those Commissioners in attendance. Any two members may place before the body the question of whether to overrule or modify the exclusion decision.

(9)                     Any individual excluded from participation in future public comment or testimony periods may appeal the exclusion by submitting a written appeal to the Clerk within five calendar days after the exclusion notice is posted. The Clerk shall distribute copies of the appeal to all Board members. The Board shall consider the appeal at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting if any two members place it before the body. The individual's exclusion from public comment or testimony periods shall remain in effect during the Board's consideration of the appeal.




Sec. 2-109. Committees, generally.

(a)                     Committees. The committees of the Board shall be comprised of the following, except that subcommittees may not create subcommittees:

(1)                     Standing committees and their standing subcommittees as created by resolution of the Board;

(2)                     Committees and subcommittees as created by resolution of the Board;

(3)                     Committees and subcommittees as created by ordinance of the Board;

(4)                     Special committees created by Board resolution;

(5)                     Special subcommittees created by standing committees or by special committees or by resolution; and

(6)                     Special committees and subcommittees created by ordinance of the Board.

(7)                     Joint committees as created by written consent between chairpersons of the comprising committees and/or subcommittees of the Board.

(a)                     Comprising committee and/or subcommittee chairpersons shall consent to forming a joint committee relative to a specific item or item(s) on, or to appear on, the Cook County Board Agenda. Consenting chairpersons shall submit the written consent to the Secretary to the Board, President of the Board of Commissioners, and Commissioners of the Cook County Board, no later than two (2) days prior to the County Board, committee, subcommittee, and/or special committee meeting, for which County Board, committee, subcommittee and/or special committee may call the item or items forming the basis of the joint committee’s formation.

(b)                     Submitted written consent shall include, but is not limited to:

                     (1)                     The item or items forming the basis for forming the joint committee;

(2)                     The intention of all consenting committee chairpersons to refer the listed items to the formed joint committee;

                                          (3)                     The names of the comprising committees and comprising committee


                      (4)                     Which comprising committee chair will preside over the joint committee meeting; and

                     (5)                     Other such information and details relevant to the efficient execution of the joint committee meeting.

(c)                     The formation of a Joint Committee will not constitute a standing joint committee. Joint Committees will dissolve upon taking final action on items referred to the committee or at the conclusion of a term should the joint committee fail to take final actions on referred items, pursuant to Sec. 2-211 of this code.

(d)                      No joint committee shall form absent written consent from the chairpersons of the comprising committees pursuant to Sec - 2-109(a)(7).

(b)                     Meetings of committees, joint committees, and subcommittees.

(1)                     Committees and subcommittees shall hold meetings pursuant to a request of the Chairperson of the committee or subcommittee and notice and agenda prepared by the Secretary. Meetings shall be held at the County Seat, in the Board Room of the County Building, unless another place within the County shall be designated by the Chairperson.

(2)                     A committee or subcommittee meeting may be cancelled by the Chairperson by providing no less than 24 hours' advance written notice that said meeting has been cancelled to the Commissioners and to the public.

(3)                     On a day with a scheduled meeting of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners, no committee of the Cook County Board of Commissioners may be held until all meetings or committees of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners have adjourned.

(4)  Committees and/or subcommittees, which form joint committees may hold joint committee meetings with consent and agreement, in writing, of the Chairpersons of the committees seeking to hold a joint meeting, at the call of the comprising committees and/or subcommittees Chairperson who will preside over the joint committee meeting, and notice and agenda prepared by the Secretary. Meetings shall be held at the County Seat, in the Board Room of the County Building, unless another place within the County shall be designated by the Chairperson. No action shall be taken at a joint meeting unless a quorum is present for all comprising committees and/or subcommittees.

(c)                     Notice and agendas. The notice and agenda shall briefly describe all items that will be considered at the meeting. Material pertinent to an item on a committee, joint committee, or subcommittee agenda shall be supplied, along with the agenda, to the President and to each of the Commissioners. With the exception of materials that are confidential as provided by law, such material shall also be available to the public in the office of the Secretary.

(1)                     Notwithstanding any other rules governing origination of items on the Board agenda, including subsection (o) of this Section, the following items types are permitted for origin with their respective committees: Litigation Pending; Recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals; Journals of Proceedings; Court Ordered Payments; Workers Compensations Claims; Subrogation Recoveries; Self-Insurance Claims; Proposed Settlements; Patient Arrestee Claims; Employee Injury Compensation Claims; Revenue Report; and the Cook County Health And Hospitals System Monthly Report.

(2)                     Amendments or substitutes to any item placed on an agenda of any meeting of a committee, joint committee, or subcommittee shall be submitted to the Secretary no later than 24 hours in advance of the meeting at which the item will be considered. Upon receipt of the amendment or substitute, the Secretary shall immediately provide the amendment or substitute to the President, all Commissioners and all news media that have requested notice of meetings and it shall be posted in the Office of the County Clerk and at the location where the meeting is to be held, and shall be made available to the public in the office of the Secretary. This rule may be waived for technical amendments or emergencies.

(3)                     Notwithstanding any action to be undertaken by committees, joint committees, or subcommittees pursuant to this Section, only the Board may take final action on any item referred to a committee, joint committee, or subcommittee. Any item contained on a committee or subcommittee agenda, as properly noticed pursuant to subsection (f) of this Section, shall also be referenced on the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting Agenda under the Committee Items Requiring Board Action for purposes of consideration and possible action by the Board. If a properly noticed item contained on a committee, joint committee, or subcommittee agenda is not included in the Committee Items Requiring Board Action section of a Board Meeting Agenda, the Secretary to the Board of Commissioners may include that item in an errata and the Board of Commissioners may consider the item as if it were properly noticed.

(d)                     Membership and officers of standing committees.

(1)                     At the commencement of each term, the members of each standing committee and standing subcommittee shall be appointed for the term by resolution adopted by a majority of those elected.

(2)                     At the commencement of each term, the Chair and Vice-Chair of each standing committee and standing subcommittee shall be appointed for the term by resolution of the Board adopted by a majority of those elected.

(3)                     The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees.

(4)                     Membership and officers of standing committees may be amended by a resolution of the Board adopted by a majority of those elected.

(e)                     Authority to call meetings. The Chair of a committee or subcommittee shall have the authority to call and preside at meetings of such committee or subcommittee. The Chair of a committee or subcommittee, who, according to the written consent of the comprising committees and/or subcommittees forming the joint committee, shall have the authority to call a joint committee meeting pursuant to Sec. 2-109 of this Code. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall perform the functions of the Chair.

(f)                     Vacancies, Committee Chairs and Committee Members.

(1)                     A vacancy on a committee, or in the Chair or Vice-Chair position on a committee, shall be created when a member resigns from such position or ceases to be a Commissioner. Resignations shall be made in writing to the Secretary, who shall promptly notify the President and all Commissioners.

(2)                     Vacancies on committees or in the positions of Chair or Vice-Chair shall be filled by appointment by the same appointing authority as the initial appointments to such committee. In the case of committee appointments made by the Board, the Board shall fill vacancies by resolution. In the case of vacancies on special subcommittees that were created by committees, the parent committee shall fill the vacancy by motion.

(g)                     Participation in debate. Any Commissioner, regardless of whether a Chair, Vice-Chair or member of the committee, and the President shall be afforded the courtesy of participating in debate on any item before a committee.

(h)                     Special committees and subcommittees. The resolution or motion creating a special committee or special subcommittee shall specify the subject matter of the special committee or subcommittee and the number of members to be appointed thereto, and may specify a reporting date during the term in which event the special committee or subcommittee shall be abolished as of such date. Unless an earlier date is specified by resolution or motion, special committees and subcommittees shall expire at the end of the term.

(i)                     Standing committees. The standing committees, the standing subcommittees and the number of members to be appointed to each (including Chair and Vice-Chair, but excluding ex officio members) are as follows:

(1)                     Audit, seven members. (The County Auditor and Chief Financial Officer are ex officio, nonvoting members of the Audit Committee.)

(2)                     Asset Management, nine members.

(3)                     Business and Economic Development, nine members.

(4)                     Contract Compliance, nine members.

(5)                     Criminal Justice, Committee of the Whole.

(6)                     Environment and Sustainability, seven members.

(7)                     Finance, Committee of the Whole, with the following subcommittees with the number of members indicated:

a.                     Litigation, seven members.

b.                     Tax Delinquency, five members.

c.                     Workers' Compensation, five members.

(8)                     Health and Hospitals, Committee of the Whole.

(9)                     Emergency Management and Regional Security, Committee of the Whole.

(10)                     Human Relations, seven members.

(11)                     Labor, nine members.

(12)                     Law Enforcement, seven members.

(13)                     Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee of the Whole.

(14)                     Pension, seven members.

(15)                     Transportation, Committee of the Whole.

(16)                     Rules and Administration, nine members.

(17)                     Technology and Innovation, nine members.

(18)                     Veterans, seven members.

(19)                     Workforce, Housing and Community Development, five members.

(20)                     Zoning and Building, Committee of the Whole.

(j)                     Referrals to committees.

(1)                     The Board may by motion refer any item before the Board to a Committee or to a subcommittee. The Board may by motion refer any item before the Board to a joint committee, provided the joint committee’s comprising committee chairs written consent, prior to the Board’s motion to refer the item or items, stated the joint committee’s intention to receive the item or items by referral. The Chair of a committee may refer an item pending in that committee to a subcommittee of that committee. An item referred by the Board to any committee, joint committee, or subcommittee, or by a committee chair to a subcommittee, shall not be jointly referred to any other committee or subcommittee. Only upon the return of the item to the Board, either by report of the committee or by the Board's discharge of the item from the committee or subcommittee, may the Board refer the item to another committee or subcommittee.

(2)                     Any item that creates a new Ordinance or amends an existing section or sections of the Code shall be referred to a committee, joint committee, or subcommittee upon its initial introduction to the Board. Upon referral, the committee shall hold a hearing on the item. Following the hearing, the item shall be reported to the Board or discharged by the committee, joint committee, or subcommittee.

(3)                     The Board may vote for immediate consideration of the item by a majority vote.

(4)                     No committee, joint committee, or subcommittee shall meet for any purpose other than to consider one or more items referred by the Board.

(k)                     Committee deliberation and reporting. Upon the completion of deliberations by a committee, joint committee, or subcommittee on an item referred to it, a committee, joint committee, or subcommittee in conjunction with the Secretary to the Board shall inform the members of the actions of the committee, joint committee, or subcommittee on the item to their parent committee or to the Board.

Specifically, action is defined as motions, duly seconded and carried, to adopt one of the six seven following statements of intent with respect to an item:

(1) Approve;

(2) Approve as Amended;

(3) Not Approve;

(4) Not Approve as Amended;

(5) Receive and File; and

(6) Returned With No Recommendation.; and

(7)                     For Report Only, No Action Taken.;

The committee's adoption of any one of the above six seven statements of intent shall constitute conclusive action by the committee on an item, and shall automatically discharge the committee from further jurisdiction of the item. Absent the attachment of one of these six statements of intent to the Communication Numbered item, such item will remain in committee unless discharged by the Board, or until the item is received and filed.

A committee, joint committee, or subcommittee may also inform the members that action by the committee, joint committee, or subcommittee, was deferred, referred to a subcommittee, or special subcommittee or otherwise inconclusive.

(l)                     Committee meeting minutes. Prior to the next scheduled meeting of the committee or subcommittee, the Secretary shall prepare the minutes of the meeting. The minutes shall contain: a list of the attendees; an account of the items considered; a summary of the deliberations, including motions and amendments proposed and/or adopted; all votes taken; the result of said votes; and, any attachments to the record as ordered by the Chair. The minutes of a meeting may be created and preserved in an electronic format on a publicly available County owned website as maintained by the Secretary.

(m)                     Joint committee meeting actions incorporated into comprising committees and/or subcommittees’ minutes. Prior to the next scheduled meeting of the comprising committees and/or subcommittees, the Secretary shall prepare descriptions of the joint committees’ meeting actions to incorporate into the committee and/or subcommittee minutes of all comprising committees of the joint committee. The joint committee’s meeting actions description shall include: the date and time of the joint committee meeting; a list of the attendees; which comprising committee or subcommittee chair presided over the meeting; an account of the items considered; a summary of the deliberations, including motions and amendments proposed and/or adopted; all votes taken; the results of said votes; and any attachments to the record as ordered by the presiding comprising committee or subcommittee chair. The minutes of a meeting may be created and preserved in an electronic format on a publicly available County owned website as maintained by the Secretary.

(m)(n)                     Public hearings of committees. Any committee meeting may, at the discretion of the Chair, be designated as a public hearing; provided that the following requirements are satisfied:

(1)                     A paid notice containing the time, place, subject matter of the hearing, and solicitation of pertinent public testimony shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Cook County;

(2)                     A like notice shall be posted on the County owned website maintained by the Secretary;

(3)                     A court reporter is present and reporting all written and oral testimony by members of the public;

(4)                     All oral testimony by members of the public shall be the first order of business after the committee is called to order; and

(5)                     Any other meeting notification requirements found elsewhere in this Section.

(n)(o)                     Discharge of committee item by the Board. The Board may discharge any item from committee by a majority vote.




Sec. 2-111. Items pending in committee at conclusion of term.

All items relating to pending litigation, workers' compensation claims or applications made pursuant to the Cook County Zoning Ordinance at the conclusion of each term shall automatically be referred to the successor committee during the succeeding term. Upon conclusion of the 2018-2022 term and each term thereafter, all legislation and other items referred to any committee or subcommittee prior to the last regular meeting of the term of the Board shall automatically be discharged from Committee or joint committee, and shall automatically be received and filed by the Board. The Secretary shall issue a report not less than 60 days prior to the expiration of each term to the President, and chair of each committee and subcommittee, or the last presiding chair of a joint committee, listing all items pending in each committee, joint committee, and subcommittee.

Should a joint committee fail to take a final action on any item or items referred to it by the end of the term, in which the joint committee formed, the joint committee shall dissolve at the end of the term and after the Board receives and files the remaining joint committee items.


Effective date:  This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption
