WHEREAS, the Chinese American Service League (CASL) is an all-inclusive non-profit agency with 45 years of experience educating youth, caring for seniors, training the workforce, placing immigrants on the path to citizenship, and securing our community's housing and financial well-being; and
WHEREAS, CASL's mission is to build on the wisdom of generations. They catalyze the transformation of individuals, families, and the community for an equitable future; and
WHEREAS, their vision includes individuals, families, and communities- inspired by tradition to thrive and prosper in a diverse and inclusive world; and
WHEREAS, their core values consist of inclusivity, empowerment, collaboration, transformation, resiliency; and
WHEREAS, some of their children and youth services include a home visiting program, early learning school time parent cooperative, child development center, school ages center, and after-after-school matters; and
WHEREAS, some of their adult services include the Illinois welcoming center, citizenship and immigration, housing program, adult employment, healthcare and wellness, food and nutrition services, English language, financial literacy, public benefits and limited access home repairs for seniors; and
WHEREAS, some of the senior services they have include adult day service, in-home service Pine Tree Senior Council; and
WHEREAS, they also have a Behavioral Health and Clinical Service (BHCS) that provides quality, person-centered, and culturally competent care to help families and individuals of all ages and backgrounds achieve healthy living, which can be offered virtually, through telehealth and in-person; and
WHEREAS, CASL also partners with Chicago Volunteer Legal Service (CVLS) and volunteer attorneys, law students, translators, and interpreters to provide legal assistance to clients on a range of issues such as consumer debt, divor...
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