WHEREAS, Benjamin O. Davis VFW Post 311 has earned the esteemed status of All American Post 2014 from the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States for the second consecutive year and celebrated the many achievements and good works of its membership at the second annual Commander's Ball dinner and awards event on Saturday, August 16, 2014 at Dinolfo's Banquets in Mokena, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, located in Richton Park, Benjamin O. Davis VFW Post 311 first earned the esteemed status of All American Post in 2013 and is awarded this status based on outstanding achievement in membership growth and participation in VFW programs that benefit veterans and the community; and
WHEREAS, the All American Post distinction awarded to Benjamin O. Davis VFW Post 311 is an honor carried by only 2 percent of the more than 10,000 VFW Posts in the world; and
WHEREAS, named after the first African-American General of the United States, Benjamin O. Davis VFW Post 311offers programs for service men and women such as veterans job fairs, health screenings, benefits and disability counseling, and other supportive service events; and
WHEREAS, Benjamin O. Davis VFW Post 311 members have given thousands of dollars in direct aid from their Relief Fund to veterans in need and have done much to improve the quality of life for many of our Cook County veterans and their families; and
WHEREAS, the leadership and members of Benjamin O. Davis VFW Post 311 honor their fallen comrades through their tireless efforts to serve our veterans, the military, and our communities, to advocate on behalf of all veterans, and to foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the President and Cook County Board of Commissioners do hereby congratulate the members and leaders of Benjamin O. Davis VFW Post 311 on their exceptional achievements and expr...
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