WHEREAS, the Chicago Metropolitan Planning Agency (CMAP) was created in 2005 and serves as the official regional planning organization for northeastern Illinois including Cook County; and
WHEREAS, CMAP developed and now guides implementation of the GO TO 2040 comprehensive regional plan that establishes coordinated strategies to help the region's 284 communities address transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment, and other quality-of-life issues; and
WHEREAS, CMAP's Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program, initiated with funding from a HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant in 2010, provides assistance to communities across the region to undertake planning projects that advance the principles of GO TO 2040; and
WHEREAS, to date, the CMAP LTA program has supported the initiation of 160+ projects with local governments, non-profits, and intergovernmental organizations to address local issues at the intersection of transportation, land use, and housing, including the natural environment, economic growth, and community development; and
WHEREAS, Cook County's Department of Planning and Development submitted a successful application for technical assistance for the development of a new Consolidated Plan and Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy to the CMAP LTA program; and
WHEREAS, CMAP provided related technical assistance between October 2013 and January 2015 valued at $150,000 and assisted the County in combining both Federally-required strategic plans into a single planning process and action-oriented document known as Planning for Progress for the first time in its history and with the encouragement of related Federal funders HUD and EDA; and
WHEREAS, CMAP involvement in Planning for Progress helped ensure that the resulting plan was consistent with GO TO 2040, inclusive of extensive data com...
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