WHEREAS, infrastructure systems in the United States are in a period of significant disrepair and are increasingly vulnerable due to climate change; and aging infrastructure, new technologies, increasing complexity, and increasing incidents of severe weather due to climate change pose new challenges to the resilience of those infrastructure systems; and
WHEREAS, the climate resilience challenge is most severe in disadvantaged communities which are hurt "worst and first" by flooding, extreme heat, extreme cold, and other results of climate change, and these disparities are the result of governmental policies that deliberately institutionalized racial disparities in financing, funding, and delivery of services; and
WHEREAS, to build an equitable climate-resilient future for Cook County, reparative climate resilient infrastructure investments are necessary to close the infrastructure gap that has resulted from past policies, and to enable communities that have been subject to disinvestment, underinvestment, and marginalization to fully participate in and benefit from such development; and
WHEREAS, failing to make such reparative investments would perpetuate racial disparities by putting new money into old systems that were designed to maintain inequitable outcomes; and
WHEREAS, reparative climate resilient infrastructure increases the capacity of communities to respond to and recover from the impacts of climate change, and may include renewable energy, energy storage, residential and commercial building energy efficiency, green infrastructure to mitigate and manage stormwater and heat islands, EV charging infrastructure, and other built infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, experts have determined that predevelopment funding at the local and project levels is the critical gap in accelerating efforts of the Federal Government to support climate-resilient i...
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