WHEREAS, the first Polish Immigrants to North America came on May14, 1607 as settlers of Jamestown, Virginia; and
WHEREAS, General Kazimierz Pulaski, General Tadeusz Kosciuszko (father of the American Cavalry) and countless other Poles came to America to fight in the Revolutionary war; and
WHEREAS, these Polish partisans came to America to help create a new and free country in America; and
WHEREAS, the Polish Constitution of May 3, 1791, is recognized as the world's second codified constitution in history and Europe's first constitution and was modeled after the United States Constitution; and
WHEREAS, the Polish Constitution is honored every year by Polish people in America and the world; and
WHEREAS, Poles and Americans of Polish descent have distinguished themselves in art, science, religion, sports, politics and the U.S military (such as: Frederick Chopin, Madam Curie Skwodowska, Wladyslaw Liberace, Mike Krzyzewski, Stan Musial, Nicolas Copernicus, Pope John Paul II the Great, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Edmund Muskie and many others; and
WHEREAS, many Polish political leaders and dignitaries here in Chicago, such as Roman Pucinski, Alderman, Aurelia Pucinski, Appellate Court Justice, Dan Lipinski, Congressman, Michael Zalewski, Alderman, Ted Lechowicz, Cook County Commissioner, Dan Rostenkowski, Congressman, Dan Kotowski, State Senator, Jeff Tobolski, Cook County Commissioner, Paul Pustelnik & Jacek Zalewski, publishers of the Monitor Polish Newspaper, Frank Spula, President of the Polish National Alliance & the Polish American Congress, Joseph Drobot, Jr., President of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, Bogdan Dola, President TVP Chicago and many other have promoted the Polish agenda of democracy, family, faith, hard work and the achievement of the American dream; and
WHEREAS, Poles and Americans of Polish descent struggled to create a new and free Poland after the end of World War I. A country that didn't exist for 123 years due to the partitions of 1764, 1793 and 1795; and
WHEREAS, One million Americans of Polish descent fought the Nazi's during World War II. They served in the American armed forces on land, sea and in the air; and
WHEREAS, Poland was able to free itself from Soviet oppression and communism in 1989 with the backing of the Solidarity Labor federation and its Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Lech Walesa and Pope John Paul II; and
WHEREAS, The Polish American Congress will be observing its 71st anniversary this year and is celebrating October 2015 as Polish American Heritage Month; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and Cook County Board, issue a proclamation that all the citizens of Cook County observe the month of October as Polish Heritage Month.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and an official copy of same be presented to the Polish American leaders present today to commemorate this milestone event.