BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 2 Administration, Article III, County Board, Division sections 2-531 through 2-533 of the Cook County Code, is hereby enacted as Follows:
Sec. 2-531. Short Title.
This Division shall be known and may be cited as the "Cook County Commission on Small Business and Supplier Diversity.
Sec. 2-532. Policy and Purpose.
(a) There is hereby created a Commission to help create sustainable small business initiatives that promote business opportunities, financial growth and further development and expansion of small and minority businesses and businesses that are owned by people with disabilities.
(b) Explore issues and barriers that prevent small businesses, women owned businesses, businesses owned by people with disabilities and minority owned businesses from being successful.
(c) Meet and exceed procurement existing procurement goals. Research and promote best practices that facilitate meeting contracting and subcontracting goals.
(d) Review compliance code and compliance of Cook County Agencies.
(e) Review and recommend best practices to reduce access to capital challenges faced by minority, women owned businesses and businesses owned by people with disabilities.
(f) Review and make recommendations on how Cook County Hospital System and other County agencies can increase the participation of minority, women owned businesses and businesses owned by people with disabilities.
Sec. 2-533. Cook County Commission on Small Business.
(a) The Commission will have eleven (11) members including: two (2) Commissioners who were the original co-sponsors of the ordinance who shall serve as Chair and Co-Chair of the Commission. Four (4) of the Commission members shall be selected by the Chair and Co-Chair and must be certified MBE or WBE busine...
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