WHEREAS, Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally proclaimed holiday on November 11, 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson to honor the end of World War I; and
WHEREAS, November 11, subsequently declared a legal holiday in 1938, was "dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be hereafter celebrated and known as "Armistice Day". In 1954, at the urging of veterans organizations, the 1938 Act was amended by replacing Armistice Day with Veterans Day; and
WHEREAS, from the Revolutionary War to the present day, the contributions made to the United States of America by her citizen soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen who stand in our place to defend the freedoms we enjoy cannot be calculated; and
WHEREAS, the County of Cook has the largest veteran population in this state with 224,000 veterans; and
WHEREAS, the County of Cook has always honored the immeasurable wartime and peacetime contributions and sacrifice of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces; and
WHEREAS, Americans still give thanks to veterans for their service on Veterans Day with ceremonies and speeches and at 11 a.m. many Americans observe a moment of silence in remembrance of those who fought and for those who gave their lives to preserve the freedom we now enjoy; and
WHEREAS, the willingness of our citizens who have answered the call to duty to give freely and unselfishly of themselves, in defense of our democratic principles, gives this great Nation continued strength and vitality; and
WHEREAS, even today, members of the military are stationed throughout the world, while their families remain in our communities; and
WHEREAS, families praying for the safe return of loved ones experience everyday life in a very different way than others, as their everyday thoughts and feelings never stray far from those they honor and are proud of for serving this great nation; and
WHEREAS, the willingness of our citizens who have answered ...
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