WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Ed McElroy from our midst; and
WHEREAS, Ed McElroy was the dear husband of Rita Marie ; and
WHEREAS, Ed McElroy was the beloved son of the late Joseph and Elizabth McElroy; and
WHEREAS, Ed McElroy was the loving father of Edward T. (Demetra) McElroy, Beth (Jack) Kirkwood and David McElroy; and
WHEREAS, Ed McElroy was the proud grandfather of Danny, Lily, Mike, Tim, Megan and the late Emily; and
WHEREAS, Ed McElroy bravely served in the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1944-45 and was a member of the Catholic War Veterans where he was elected National Commander in 1963; and
WHEREAS, in 1946 Ed McElroy began his career in broadcasting an worked at WJOB in Hammond, Indiana and later WIND and WJJD in Chicago , and
WHEREAS, in 1986 Ed McElroy founded a public relations firm that represented many government agencies and elected officials; and
WHEREAS, Ed McElroy hosted a TV program known as "The Ed McElroy Show" that provided insight into local government and elected officials; and
WHEREAS, Ed McElroy was a marvelous story teller who provided detailed insight into Chicago, its residents and its neighborhoods to his listeners and friends; and
WHEREAS, Ed McElroy, touched the lives of many and will be remembered by all who knew him; and
WHEREAS, all who knew him will attest that , Ed McElroy, was a kind and compassionate man, virtuous of character and gentle in spirit, admired and respected by his many friends and neighbors, and dearly loved by his family and his neighbors; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County that the Board does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family of Ed McElroy and joins them in sorrow at this time of loss; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and a suitable copy of the same be...
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