WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Bernarda “Bernie” Wong from our midst, and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong was the loving and adored wife of the late Albert, and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong was the loving mother of Jacinta, and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie Wong was the dear grandmother of Tiana and Matthew, and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong was born and raised in Hong Kong and came to the United States in 1962 to get her degree in social work from Brair Cliff University in Sioux City, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong completed her master’s degree in social work from Washington University in St. Louis in 1968; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong worked as a social worker in Chicago’s Chinatown community; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong and a small group of dedicated Chinese American friends came together to bridge the gap in services for Chinese Americans in Chicago and formed the Chinese American Service League in 1978; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong became President and CEO of the Chinese American Service League; and
WHEREAS, under the leadership of Bernarda “Bernie” Wong, the Chinese American Service League became the largest, most comprehensive, social service agency in the Midwest dedicated to serving the needs of Chinese Americans; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong was instrumental in growing the Chinese American Service League into an organization with 500 multilingual and multicultural staffers that offers vital physical, economic, mental, and social support services; and
WHEREAS, the hard work and dedication of Bernarda “Bernie” Wong helped numerous Chinese American Service League clients become thriving members of the greater Chicago community; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong was the first Asian American appointed to the boards of United Way of Chicago and the Chicago Public Library; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong chaired the Chicago mayor's advisory council on Asian affairs; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong was a founding board member of the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging and the Chinese Immigrant Service Agencies Network International, a network of social services organizations; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong developed relationships with elected officials including mayors, governors, and presidents to advocate on behalf of the residents of Chicago’s Chinese American community and immigrants of all nationalities across Chicago; and
WHEREAS, Bernarda “Bernie” Wong was awarded the Champions of Change award by President Barack Obama and Chicago’s Woman's History Month Legacy Award; and
WHEREAS, all who knew her will attest that Bernarda “Bernie” Wong was a kind and compassionate woman, virtuous of character and gentle in spirit, admired and respected by her many friends and neighbors, and dearly loved by her family, now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County that the Board does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family and many friends of Bernarda “Bernie” Wong, and joins them in sorrow at this time of loss, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and a suitable copy of same be tendered to the family of Bernarda “Bernie” Wong that her memory may be so honored and ever cherished.