BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that CHAPTER 42 HUMAN RELATIONS, ARTICLE II - HUMAN RIGHTS, Section 42-37 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 42-37. - Public accommodations
(a) Prohibition. No person that owns, leases, rents, operates, manages, or in any manner controls a public accommodation in Cook County shall withhold curtail, limit, or discriminate concerning the full use of such public accommodation by any individual on the basis of unlawful discrimination.
(b) Exceptions.
(1) The prohibition contained in this section shall not apply to sex discrimination in any of the following:
a. Distinctly private facility. Any facility that is distinctly private in nature, such as rest rooms, shower rooms, bath houses, dressing rooms, or health clubs.
b. Sleeping rooms. Any facility that restricts rental of residential or sleeping rooms to individuals of one sex.
c. Educational institutions. Any educational institution that restricts enrollment of students to individuals of one sex.
d. Determination of sex or gender. For the purposes of the exceptions set forth in Section 42-37(b)(1)a through c, the determination of an individual's sex or gender shall be based upon the sex or gender of that individual as reflected on any official identification of that individual recognized by the State of Illinois, including a driver's license or state identification card “sex” includes both biological category and gender identity. Each person determines their own gender identity; no proof of an individual’s sex or gender shall be required except for the person’s expression of their own gender.
(2) The Cook County Commission on Human Rights ("Commission") as defined in Section 42-34 shall adopt rules specifying any additional exceptions to the prohibition contained in this section based on bona fide considerations of public policy.
Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption.