WHEREAS, former kindergarten teacher and former State Representative Kathy Moore is being honored as the 2022 Compassion in Action Awardee by Lincoln Park Community Services at their annual Metamorphosis event; and
WHEREAS, Kathy grew up in the Beverly neighborhood of the south side of Chicago, the third of four children. She attended St. Barnabas grade school and Mother McAuley High School. She subsequently attended St. Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana where she met her husband, Tom Moore, a student at Notre Dame. They married shortly after her graduation and have three children, Carey, Brendan, and Molly; and
WHEREAS, Kathy has lived in the Lincoln Park community for more than 50 years and has provided exceptional service to her fellow residents of Lincoln Park; and
WHEREAS, Kathy spent 30 years teaching Kindergarten-Primary grades in Chicago. Her interest in teaching and mentoring extended beyond the classroom. She has taken in homeless DePaul students and befriended and mentored countless other young people who needed a friend; and
WHEREAS, in 2010 after retiring as a teacher, Kathy was appointed to the Illinois House of Representatives by the 11th Legislative District Democratic Committee. Moore served from December 29, 2010 through January 11, 2011. During her short time in the Illinois House of Representative, she took two important votes: one to end the death penalty in Illinois, the second to increase Illinois' income tax allowing the State to begin to address its structural fiscal deficit; and
WHEREAS, Kathy and Tom became active parishioners of St. Clement Church. As part of this involvement, Kathy went on a mission to El Salvador. When parishioners from St. Clement worked with other neighborhood churches in 1985 to start the Lincoln Park Community Shelter, she eagerly joined the work. Her volunteer work for the shelter has included getting up from time to time ...
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