WHEREAS Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Ella French from our midst; and
WHEREAS Ella French was the loving daughter of Elizabeth; and
WHEREAS Ella French was the dear sister of Andrew, Julian, Christian, and Michael; and
WHEREAS Ella French attended Wentworth Military Academy in Missouri and Downers Grove North High School from which she graduated in 2009, and
WHEREAS Ella French served as a corrections officer in the Cook County Sheriff’s Department; and
WHEREAS Ella French served as an officer in the Chicago Police Department’s 10th District and on the Chicago Police’s Department’s Community Safety Team; and
WHEREAS Ella French’s career was dedicated to improving the lives of Chicago’s residents and ensuring safer communities in Chicago; and
WHEREAS Ella French touched the lives of many and will be remembered by all who knew her; and
WHEREAS all who knew her will attest that Ella French was a kind and compassionate officer, virtuous of character and gentle in spirit, admired and respected by her many friends, neighbors and fellow officers and dearly loved by her family; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County that the Board does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family of Ella French and joins them in sorrow at this time of loss; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body and a suitable copy of the same be tendered to the family of Ella French so that her memory may be so honored and ever cherished.