WHEREAS, Lillian Drummond, a founding leader of the South Austin Coalition Community Council (SACCC) has, through her advocacy and leadership with SACCC, assisted the Austin community on several issues, including healthcare, labor, the environment, housing, education, and safety. SACCC has been a strong proponent of citizen involvement in the Austin Community; and,
WHEREAS, Lillian Drummond turned 95 this month; and,
WHEREAS, Lillian Drummond has been fearless in her advocacy for her neighbors; and,
WHEREAS, a strong focus of SACCC has been low income issues related to utilities and energy usage, an area of public policy on which Ms. Lillian Drummond has been especially active and effective; and,
WHEREAS, Lillian Drummond has faced down powerful mayors and a president to fight for the plights of senior citizens and low-income families struggling to pay their energy bills; and,
WHEREAS, one of Ms. Drummond's signature achievements was to organize the Affordable Budget Coalition in 1985. The Coalition worked successfully to enact the 12% Energy Assistance Plan, which made heating and lighting available to low-income families; and,
WHEREAS, Ms. Drummond became known for an encounter with President Bill Clinton, while he was visiting Chicago in 1994. Ms. Drummond approached President Clinton during an appearance by the President in Chicago, in order to personally register her concerns regarding proposed cuts to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); and,
WHEREAS, Ms. Drummond's advocacy was instrumental in the successful passage of the Percentage of Income Payment Plan in 2009. Under that legislation, low-income individuals are able to pay only 6% of their income for energy and reconnection, and to continue to stay connected so long as they pay 6% of their income. Ms. Drummond also helped to ensure that the Community and Economic Development Associat...
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