A RESOLUTION HONORING R? (Reunite | Reconcile | Reimagine)
WHEREAS, R? stands for Reunite, Reconcile & Reimagine and is a movement committed to reuniting people. It endeavors to be a platform for all voices to be heard so we can reconcile our differences and reimagine more equitable, compassionate, and safe communities for everyone; and
WHEREAS, the R? Pledge is a commitment to being open to all voices being heard, creating space for that to happen, and doing something different based on what you hear and learn; and
WHEREAS, the R? Participation component is a series of town hall meetings, diversity dinners, and other listening opportunities to allow people to hear different perspectives as a foundation to engage in reconciling current challenges, past issues, and systematic practices that negatively impact different groups; and
WHEREAS, the R? Postcards for Peace component is similar to postcard writing to Get Out the Vote or the ongoing postcard writing efforts designed to thank our veterans for their service, with the intent to engage in hand-written postcards to build a momentum of peace through the written word throughout our communities; and
WHEREAS, R? asks everyone to Take the Challenge! by visiting their group page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/operationr3) and click Join to be a part of the conversation, take the pledge and amplify our collective voices by sharing to our network; and
WHEREAS, the members of the Cook County Board of Commissioners are pleased to support the R? movement to Reunite, Reconcile & Reimagine;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and Members of the Cook County Board of Commissioners do hereby honor R?; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body and that a suitable copy be presented to Erika Walker (Walker-Thomas) CEO of the Walker Thomas Group and founder of the R? movement as a symbol of our respect and ...
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